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Day 21,514

It is Thursday morning, 11 August 2022. I’m going to get this cranked out, because I have a talk in a couple of hours (closer to 3, actually) on a subject that is not my strongest. Every technical instructor has a gap here and there, and I am not a database administrator… so some database …

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Day 21,513

It is Wednesday morning, 10 August 2022. I have a case study to present to a virtual classroom full of learners across twelve time zones in about two hours. Everything is going to be fine. One aspect of my job that I really love is the opportunity to deliver with some very knowledgeable and experienced …

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Day 21,512

It is Tuesday morning, 9 August 2022. I am happy, healthy, awake, and looking forward to my first cup of coffee just as soon as the coffee maker completes the cycle. Some people pour their first cup of coffee as soon as there is enough coffee in the pot to fill a cup …. sociopaths! …

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Day 21,511

It is Monday morning, the first day of a new work week. 8 August 2022. This morning I’ll have to focus on some time management. I have a couple of lessons to cover this week on data storage and data integration, and there are several meetings hanging out there that I need to attend. I …

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Day 21,510

It is Sunday morning, the 7th day of August in the year 2022. I tweeted something yesterday that I now regret a bit. Yesterday, Twisted Sister Lead Singer Dee Snider posted a picture of a bad tat – some dude was walking around with a full back tattoo depicting an image of Donald Trump throwing …

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Day 21,509

It is Saturday morning, 6 August 2022. I am quietly sitting in my recliner couch, Freya sitting beside me, Rosy perched on my shin bone. (Just as I typed that, Rosy jumped off… she must’ve smelled something stackable in the kitchen). Today is going to be a mowing day. After work yesterday, I loaded up …

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Day 21,508

It is Friday morning, 5 August 2022. I’ve got some work to get done today, starting with a two-hour stint with my cloud solutions architecture course, then a smattering of meetings spread throughout the day. I get a chance to look forward to spending a portion of my day tomorrow on the lawn mower, as …

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Day 21,507

It is Thursday morning, and this week seems to be flying by. It seems August 1 was just a few days ago… and it was… today is 4 August 2022. There is so much going on in the world right now. Politicians traveling to foreign countries, revelations about the Secret Service and Department of Defense …

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Day 21,506

It is Wednesday morning, 3 August 2022. A little bit of news on the local front. The vote to amend the Kansas constitution went “No” and it was a resounding, winning by almost 20% with the largest primary voter turnout in Kansas history. So… what did we learn? I think we learned that women can …

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Day 21,505

It is Tuesday morning, 2 August 2022. In the next couple of hours, I will begin my four-week delivery of a solutions architecture course along with a training partner. He’s on the east coast, I’m on central time. We’ve adopted a plan where I will take care of the morning sessions, and he’ll take the …

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