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Oct 19
Good morning… at least I think it’s morning. Sun hasn’t popped over the horizon yet, but I’m used to that. It is 19 October 2022, a Wednesday morning. In a little bit, I’ll return to my virtual classroom to present a case study. In the meantime, I’ll write, grab a couple of cups of coffee, …
Oct 18
It is Tuesday morning, 18 October 2022. Time to make the tractor payment. I think that the only people that believe conspiracy theories are those that were swapped with other babies in the hospital nursery. That ought to distract them for a while. Listening to the news this morning, still amazed at the lack of …
Oct 17
It is Monday morning, 17 October 2022. It is currently 6:19 AM, and I’m gathering up some thoughts in a little basket, normally used for collecting flowers. Nah. I don’t need a flower basket to gather my thoughts. My thoughts are rarely floral but tend to lean towards the aromatic side. I opened up Facebook …
Oct 14
It is Friday! Woot! 14 October 2022. It’s a day with a quick start… I originally had a 7 AM meeting scheduled, but that has been cancelled. I’ve got another meeting this afternoon that I’m going to cancel in light of certain changes. Tight now I’m watching internal Capitol video from the January 6, 2021 …
Oct 13
It is Thursday, 13 October 2022, and in another couple of hours, I will be discussing data ingestion into cloud-based data management tools. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Yesterday some news happened. To start off, let me say that I’ve often been party to repeating or even creating conspiracy theories. When I was in college, I …
Oct 12
It is Wednesday morning, the 12th day of October, 2022. I’m up, coffee is brewing, and I have a glass of water sitting beside me… … and my wife is asleep on the couch. We had some storms roll through last night, so she came out from our bedroom to the living room and provided …
Oct 11
Good morning! It is 11 October 2022, and I’m feeling a little relieved this morning. I was up a little later than normal last night, as the Kansas City Chiefs hosted the Raiders (what city are they in this year?). It was a rough start, with the Chiefs dropping behind the pace early, and the …
Oct 10
It is Monday, 10 October 2022. It has been an event-free weekend here in rural Douglas County, with the regular college town stuff happening, but nothing earth-shattering here. Kansas lost their football game against TCU, which wasn’t that much of a surprise. Our quarterback was taken out of the game following a hard tackle that …
Oct 07
It is Friday, Friday, Friday! Good morning! It is the 7th day of October in the year 2022. I’m awake, drinking water until I pour my first cup of coffee. I’ve got an office hours session after a bit here, and I’m wondering where the morning will take me. Eventually, it takes me to meetings …
Oct 06
It is Thursday morning, 6 October 2022. It’s kind of funny, but when I get into one of my four-week deliveries, the days jut some to click by a little faster on the calendar. This morning I will have my last major speaking role of the week, delivering a talk on Computer Services and the …