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Day 21,612

It is Thursday, 17 November 2022. This morning I woke up, did my usual routine, then checked my email to notice that my cell phone was no longer authorized on the company site. Working for a technology company can often make you go, “Oh, this is cool”. I never thought I would feel that way …

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Day 21,611

It is Wednesday, 16 November 2022. Last night the Michigan State – Kentucky game ran a little late with Michigan State winning in double overtime. The game pushed that Kansas-Duke match back almost an hour to a 9:21 start rather than the scheduled 8:30. Lisa and I watched the first half, then recorded the rest …

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Day 21,610

15 November 2022. It is Tuesday. Lisa and I are sitting in the living room, I’m on the sofa, and she’s on the loveseat. All of our dogs have gravitated to her, and it’s rather humorous. It’s as if the dogs know who gives out the most treats. The news is always a mix of …

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Day 21,609

It is Monday morning, 14 November 2022. Today I’ll return to my virtual classroom for a cloud administration course, and I’ll be working with the same training partner I worked with last week. It’s going t be a week. I have some reports due, so I’ll try to complete those this morning before my class …

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Day 21,606

Good morning, a happy Friday to you all, and for those in the western hemisphere, I wish you a peaceful, respectful Veterans’ Day, this 11th day of the 11th month. There’s news coming over the wire, and it’s meh. There are still election contents that need to be sorted out – and we know that …

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Day 21,605

“Odin, you are a bundle of joy… and other stuff” My wife’s words just a moment ago while we wait on the morning coffee to brew up. Today is Thursday, 10 November 2022. We are still watching election returns, and there are a number of very tight races left over from the election on Tuesday, …

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Day 21,604

It is Wednesday, 9 November 2022. Right now I’ve got the news on, and they are reviewing the election results – at least the ones they can review – and it doesn’t look like there was a wave or a tsunami or whatever people wanted to call it. Right now it looks like not much …

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Day 21,603

Good morning. It is the 8th day of November 2022. It is election day in the United States, and I’m already tired of this day. Seriously. Elections suck all the air out of the room. The money spent on elections could feed the hungry and house the homeless. There are enough lies told (legally) to …

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Day 21,602

Good morning! It is 7 November 2022, the first Monday of this eleventh month of 2022. It is hard to believe that 2023 is just around the corner – that year I will turn 60. I stayed up a little late last night watching Sunday Night Football – the Kansas City Chiefs hosted the Tennessee …

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Day 21,600

Woot! I like round numbers. Today is Saturday, 5 November 2022. I missed yesterday when I was feeling under the weather most of the day – although I will admit that despite my discomfort, I found a way to make it a pretty productive day… I just didn’t write my blog. So here I am …

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