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Day 21,725

Happy Friday, folks! It is 10 March 2023, and looks like Evelyn will be making her debut next week. My youngest daughter will be induced as early as next Tuesday, so … Bubba becomes a grampa. My training partner and I finished up our class yesterday. I am out of my virtual classroom until a …

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Day 21,724

It is Thursday, 9 March 2023. I am a bit tired. I went to the show last night… glad I double-checked the venue… I originally thought I would be heading into downtown Kansas City to attend a show at the Midland Theater, a pretty big venue, and then realized the show was at a much …

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Day 21,723

It is Wednesday, 8 March 2023. The first story that pops up on the news is a sad one… four people in Mexico for a cosmetic surgery procedure were kidnapped by a drug cartel, and two were killed when they realized they had the wrong folks… a case of mistaken identity. I think I’ll be …

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Day 21,722

It is Tuesday morning, 7 march 2023. Right now Odin is pawing away at some box over by the dining room table. The little guy has a knack for finding the box from the pet supply company that has his treats. This box isn’t from Chewy, but Lisa thinks it might be an order from …

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Day 21,721

It is Monday, 6 March 2023. Lisa and I are up and after it, and I’m wondering when daylight savings time ends this year… checking…we’ve got another week or so before the “spring forward” event. I need to exercise a little discipline. I have some weaknesses… and apparently, I have been indulging them this past …

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Day 21,718

Good morning! It is a rainy Friday morning on this 3rd day of March 2023. I get to wade out into the raid to get the trash cans out to the corner on trash pickup day. That’s always fun. My class is over for the week. I have a couple of meetings later today, but …

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Day 21,717

Good morning! It is 2 March 2023. Right now I’ve got the news on, and the topic is the poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran. These girls are being attacked for the dire sin of seeking an education in a backward country that doesn’t see the value of women beyond their ability to reproduce. People sometimes …

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Day 21,716

It is Wednesday morning, and the first day of March. 1 March 2023. Last night the University of Kansas guaranteed themselves at least a portion of the Big 12 Basketball Championship – there will be a tournament next week for the post-season championship – and could win it outright when they play Texas at Texas …

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Day 21,715

It is Tuesday, 28 February 2023. I’m watching the news, and folks are talking about the weather. It’s been a little (more than a little!) goofy. Last weekend, tornados ripped through the southern Midwest, bringing cyclones to Oklahoma City & Norman, as well as other communities in Kansas and Texas. California has communities that are …

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Day 21,714

It is Monday, 27 February 2023, and it’s kind of crazy to think that March is a scant two days away. With March comes birthdays, spring break, the first day of spring, and the birth of my first grandchild. Stuff is going to get very real. I have a class, cloud administration, that starts in …

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