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Day 21,767

Evelyn Day 36 Happy Friday, everybody! Today is 21 April 2023. I wrapped up my four-day class yesterday, and the early feedback seems to be positive from my learners, once again a collection of folks from multiple time zones, including people from India and Argentina. Right now there’s a little drama on the couch with …

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Day 21,766

Evelyn Day 35 Good morning, folks! It is 20 April 2023. For those living in the United States, it is 4/20, and that means in certain parts of the country, grooves of all ages will be lighting up the hippy lettuce as part of a pseudo-holiday. Right now in rural Douglas County, the sky has …

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Day 21,765

Evelyn Day 34 Good morning! It is 19 April 2023. Our senior dog, Lucy, is outside in the dark barking at clouds. She’s kind of odd that way. Freya is on my lap, as well as Rosy, both of them keeping an eye on my wife and the possibility of extra bacon. Odin is just …

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Day 21,764

Evelyn Day 33 Good morning to whoever is reading this. It is 18 April 2023. Lisa is asleep here on the couch, and Lily is at her feet, Rosy is beside her, and I’ve got Freya tucked up between my legs under my lap desk. Lucy and Odin are camped out on dog beds over …

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Day 21,763

Evelyn Day 32 Good morning, folks! It is Monday, 17 April 2023. I’ve got coffee dripping over in the kitchen, and soon there will be that warm, wake-up juice that gets me going in the morning. I’m thinking a toasted English Muffin with some peanut butter. Lisa and I went into Kansas City to see …

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Day 21,760

Evelyn Day 29 Happy Friday, folks! Today is 14 April 2023. For some odd reason, I woke up at about 3:00 in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. Nothing is really bothering me, but for some reason, my mind got started and decided not to quit. It happens every now and then – …

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Day 21,759

Evelyn Day 28 Good morning! It is 13 April 2023, and my granddaughter is 4 weeks old today. Today I wrap up the course I’ve been sitting this week. It’s helped me to get a firm grasp on the content, and I’ll be delivering this course in about 2 months for the first time on …

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Day 21,758

Evelyn Day 27 Hi. I’m back. It’s 12 April 2023, and I’m wondering what to write about. Never mind. Not writing today, too many distractions. I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve. Peace y’all.

Day 21,757

Evelyn Day 26 Hi, it’s me again. Today is 11 April 2023. I started off the day by checking on some news content, and taking a look at the comments section. Lots of stories about what is going on in our world, the good and the bad. I think it’s interesting to take a look …

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Day 21,756

Evelyn Day 25 Hi folks! It’s Bob, and today is 10 April 2023. This week won’t be quite as demanding. I’m shadowing a course I’ll be delivering in June, so I’ll focus on taking notes and organizing some content for my delivery. Odin is over sitting at Lisa’s feet begging for a snack. Either that …

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