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Jun 05
Evie Day 81 Good morning! Hi, fat old man Bob here on this Monday, 5 June 2023. For the most part, I’ve over the stuff that had taken up residence in my chest for the last week. I still have some residual coughing, and I still feel l this post-condition weight in my chest. I …
Jun 02
Evie Day 78 Hi folks! It is Friday, 2 June 2023. I’m taking a sick day to focus on my health. This crud in my lungs is lingering, and I did soldier through the class I had Tuesday through Thursday, but this day is a recovery day and time for me to focus a bit …
Jun 01
Evie Day 77 Hey, good morning, friends. Today is the first day of June, 2023. The chest is still feeling pretty raw. I can feel the dryness in my lungs, and my breathing, while not labored, isn’t quite as strong as I would like. I’ve got one more day in my networking course, and my …
May 31
Evie Day 76 Good morning. Today is 31 May 2023. The thunderstorms have landed in Douglas County. Wow. I’ve shared with y’all that we have a few dogs, five to be exact, four females (Lucy, Freya, Rosy, Lily) and the boy (Odin). Odin does not like thunderstorms. I woke up in the middle of the …
May 30
Evelyn Day 75 Good morning! It is Tuesday, 30 May 2023. In a couple of hours, I will be back in my virtual classroom delivering a cloud networking course for a few dozen folks spread out across multiple time zones. Things are in the green across the board, with all services up and running, with …
May 29
Hi Evie! Good morning, and I wish you all a safe and relaxing Memorial Day holiday. In the USA, this is a federal holiday to remember our fallen. It is Monday, 28 May 2023. My family has a little military history, and I can point to relatives that served during Vietnam and in Korea… WWII …
May 26
Evelyn Day 71 Happy Friday folks, and for those of you living in the USA, I wish you a wonderful beginning to the Memorial Day Weekend. It is 26 May 2023. Yesterday my neurodivergence proved to be a blessing and a curse. I decided to chase a bunny on Tuesday and yesterday it took me …
May 25
Evie Day 70 Hi folks! It is Thursday morning, 25 May 2023. I’ve got a busy day. I’ve got a meeting with a coworker in a few hours, followed by some follow-up sessions to take a look at from a conference, and then it’s time to study – there might be a certification exam in …
May 24
Evie Day 69 It is Wednesday, 24 May 2023. I hope this note finds you well. I’ve got work stuff today. There’s a conference going on for work this week, a two-day event, and I’m trying to get in as many sessions as possible. There is a growing amount of content appearing online regarding artificial …
May 23
Evie Day 68 Good morning! It is Tuesday 23 May 2023—lots of twos and threes on today’s date. Right now there’s a U-Haul dealer in the Washington, DC area that lost a truck. Some idiot grabbed a backpack, a scrawled journal, a black laptop, and a Nazi flag, tossed them into a U-Haul truck, and …