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Day 22,411

Evie Day 680 Good morning, and a happy last day of the Western work week to you all. Today is Friday, 24 January 2024. In five more days, I’ll reflect on my dad’s birthday. I’ve taken the month of January away from alcohol, and on my dad’s birthday, I’ll toast his life and his memory. …

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Day 22,410

Evie Day 679 Good morning, and a happy Thursday to yo all. Today is 23 January 2025. Every time I write the year correctly the first time, it’s a minor victory. I had an exchange on LinkedIn I would like to share. A former coworker posted a note on LinkedIn, the professional social network, that …

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Day 22,409

Evie Day 678 Good morning, and happy Wednesday to you all. Today is 22 January 2024. It seems this month is flying by. It’s funny. I invested so much time into passing that exam I took Monday. I studied over my Christmas vacation, took the exam, and missed it by that much. I learned more, …

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Day 22,408

Evie Day 677 Good morning, and a happy Taco Tuesday to you all. Today is 21 January 2025. Make a plan, and get some tacos later. You’ve earned it. Yesterday was a pretty dark day, in my opinion. A felon was sworn in and started issuing executive orders. First, apparently, was an EO to raise …

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Day 22,407

Evie Day 676 Good morning… I almost wrote “good moroning”… that’s not until noon. Welcome to another week in 2025. Today is Monday, 20 January. Years ago I was building a new system to help me learn cloud technologies and some other applications in the Microsoft 365 application suite. I was trying to devise a …

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Day 22,404

Evie Day 673 Good morning, and welcome to the last day of the Western work week. Today is 17 January 2025. Hey, I got the year right the first time! There’s a grim vibe in the air. Time to make some changes. I have been fairly active on Facebook for a number of years, ever …

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Day 22,403

Evie Day 672 Good morning, and a happy Thursday to you all. Today is 16 January 2024. It was an interesting day yesterday, as there’s some movement on my team at work. The gentleman who has been my manager for the last few years is moving to a different team, and I am getting a …

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Day 22,402

Evie Day 671 Good morning, and a very happy Wednesday to you all. Today is 15 January 2024. Yesterday was pretty uneventful. After I wrote yesterday’s blog post, I did my recording for YouTube, looked over a couple of other things before work, and then spent a large portion of my day cuddled up next …

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Day 22,401

Evie Day 672 Good morning, and welcome to the second Taco Tuesday of 2025. Today is 14 January 2025. Did it again… 2025, Bob. Yesterday was a good day, albeit closer to uneventful than exciting. My class is on Eastern time, so I go back into my workspace at 7 rather than 8 and finish …

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Day 22,400 

Evie Day 669 Good morning, folks! It’s a Monday! Today is 13 January 2025. 2025, Bob… 2025. I still pop in the old year from time to time, habits being what they are. I’m working on some new habits. This month I’m participating in Dry January – no booze until January 29, and then I’ll …

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