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Day 19,823

It’s the day after Christmas. Time for me to return to my usual semi-mischevious self. In today’s social media, one of the popular tools is a service called “Twitter”. A commonly used version of Twitter is a website called “Tweetdeck”. In that interface, you can modify the columns that appear based on your interests, so you …

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Day 19,822

It’s Christmas Day, 2017. Might be more appropriate to say Christmas evening, after all, it is 8:47 right at the moment. It has bee a wonderful day. The only thing that could have made it better would have been my wife feeling better, but she’s recovering from surgery she had last week, and she wasn’t …

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Day 19,821

It’s Christmas Eve, 2017. I’m going to take a few moments here and jot down a few notes about the events of the day. We’re just about to wrap up “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It’s one of the Lisa’s all-time favorite movies. She’s asleep in the chair… whoop! Awake. Jimmy Stewart is asking Clarence for help… …

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Day 19,820

I’m not the most “Christmass” person in my family. Don’t get me wrong. I love to see the expression on my kids’ collective faces when they open their presents on Christmas morning. I’m just not really overt about the whole thing. I seem to find myself always wanting to give more. I love my kids, and I …

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Day 19,819

OK, going to start off with a weird word. I like the sound of the word “ensorcelled”. It means, “to bewitch”. So, if you cast a spell on something it becomes ensorcelled. Sounds funny. Yeah, I know that was an odd way to start of my blog this time, but you know, you have to …

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Day 19,818

Today was my last formal work day of the year. This week I had two students for a Microsoft Azure class. I was teaching people how to use some of the offerings in a particular company’s cloud offerings, teaching them how to set up virtual machines, install services, and automate the whole shebang. I find …

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Day 19,817

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone. Lisa is back home tonight, but I know she’s not comfortable. She’s sleeping right now. I’m going to go to bed. I pledged to write two hundred words, and right now I’m on the verge of writing a random three-letter word seventy five times just so I can get …

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Day 19,816

I’m a bit of a mess tonight. My wife had surgery this morning. I had to work, so Bonnie and Gracie took her over to the hospital to help her out, be there, get her checked in, and stick around while they were performing what was supposed to be a simple outpatient procedure. Two things. …

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Day 19,815

OK, a recap of the day that was Monday, December 18, 2017. Got up at 5:50, five minutes later than normal. I better check my alarm tonight before I go to bed. Did the routine, shave and shower, got dressed, and made a pot of coffee, using medium roast, whole bean Tanzanian peaberry. Good coffee. …

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Day 19,814

It’s a Sunday night, December 17, 2017. Tomorrow I’ll take a dive back into the wonderful world of the Microsoft Azure Cloud Service. From what I understand, I’ll have two people in class, so that should pretty much mean I should be done in pretty good time on Friday. I’m not particularly motivated right at the moment. …

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