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Day 19,893

Hey gang! Old Grampa Bob here cranking out a few hundred words before I call it a night and hit the sack. There are so many things that you guys are going to do so much better than your grandmother and me, so much better than your parents. I’m not kidding. My folks are great …

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Day 19,892

I have to figure out where my bandwidth is going. My current contract allows for an ungoverned download quota of 50 gigabytes per month. I have twenty-two days left in my service period and we’ve already munched through half of our allocated bandwidth for the month, and I was gone all of last week. We …

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Day 19,891

OK. For those of you that are reading my blog for the first time, a note. A while back I started writing my blog with the intent of providing a bit of a chronicle for the grandchildren I expect to have one day. I read an interesting meme today. The topic was the Puckle Gun, …

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Day 19,890

I am happy to be home. OK, for those of you that are completely oblivious to the editing process, I just made a change to one word in the opening line that allowed the sentence to make more sense. If I had left it alone, it would have been hilarious. I’ll let y’all speculate. I …

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Day 19,889

Hey gang. I hope things are well with you. Today was the last day I spent with my professional friends here in Seattle, ok, actually Bellevue, but you get the general idea. In your lives, you are going to have opportunities to be part of professional organizations. You’ll have friends, colleagues, at your workplace if …

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Day 19,888

It’s the beginning of a new month, and the old man is coming to you live from the Embassy Suites in Bellevue, Washington. I thought it might be a good idea to get this wrapped up and published before I head out to dinner with some of my fellows. Apparently, there’s a restaurant here that …

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Day 19,887

OK. It’s Wednesday, last day of the North American MCT Summit, and I am now done with my session. Part of me wants to take a nap. I have to confess, I don’t think I slept very well last night. I normally don’t the night before I have an important presentation, but now that it’s …

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Day 19,886

OK, gotta come clean. I forgot to write last night, and the guilt is overwhelming. I could live with myself, but I’m going to invoke my personal “12-hour” clause, which means I’m still within 12 hours of the day I forgot to post, and I’ll get two posts in today. Yesterday was fun. I went …

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Day 19,885

Hey! How y’all doing?!?!? So tonight I am posting from a hotel room in Bellevue, Washington, just like I was last night. I started off the day with a couple of great sessions on the state of the Microsoft Certified Trainer program, then a session on Azure networking that I found very informative. The day progressed …

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Day 19,884

Hi gang. Old fat grampa Bob dialing into the outside world on a Sunday night in Seattle. It’s about 10:30 back home, 8:30 here, and I’ve got a little room service coming, a salad and a little dessert. Just a snack to get me by til te morning. My flight was decent. Four-hour flights are …

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