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Day 20,056

It’s Wednesday night in rural Douglas County, and I am thankful for the safe return of my wife and daughter from Wichita. Granted, these days, everybody is thankful for their family member’s safe return from Wichita. We moved away in 2001 and I’m glad we never looked back. There was some pretty nasty stuff happening …

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Day 20,055

It’s Tuesday night in rural Douglas County. My beloved is getting me a bowl of ice cream, my favorite, chocolate chip. I do have a weakness for dessert, especially ice cream. On the 20th of August, we’re tackling a new weight loss program… (ok, for a moment there I mistyped the word “pogrom”… look that …

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Day 20,054

Eight o’clock on a Monday night, and I’m just kind of kicking back writing my blog, wondering if I should go out to the pool.  I sometimes like going out to the pool at night, but there won’t be any stars out tonight due to the overcast skies.  Eh… Not a whole lot of news …

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Day 20,053

O, so tonight Lisa and I are watching a CNN “History of Comedy”, and tonight’s episode is “Gone Too Soon”. It probably didn’t help that I started off the evening watching Robins William’s first appearance on the “Tonight Show” at the beginning of  “Mork and Mindy” ‘s fourth season. I was in tears remembering how Robin …

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Day 20,052

Hey everybody… not a real exciting day here in rural Douglas County. I stayed around the house for the most part, primarily due to vehicular issues. My car had a bit of a problem yesterday when we went to put on new tires. Looks like there was a problem with my brakes and calipers, and …

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Day 20,051

OK, time to get a little writing in tonight before I hang it al up and hit the sack. Grab my wife. Cuddle a bit. Get over it, it’s what married people do. Would you prefer  I write, “Went to bed… ignored my wife… didn’t want to creep out the descendants”/ So, number one, Y’all need to …

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Day 20,050

OK, I’m not going to lie to anybody. I’m sitting here completely unmotivated to write two hundred words on a Thursday night. Chiefs lost their first preseason game. I’m not happy about it, but it’s preseason and has zero effect on the regular season. I saw some things I liked, I saw some things I didn’t …

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Day 20,049

Hey guys, the old fat man here to tell you about the state of my world today. I love my kids. They have all proven that they have what it takes. There are moments, however, when you have to sit ’em down and have a talk about the state of things. Had to have one …

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Day 20,048

It’s a Tuesday night in rural Douglas County, and we’re sitting here watching some of the election returns. I really ought to think about getting to bed, but the gubernatorial contest in Kansas is pretty interesting. The current governor, Colyer, was lieutenant governor under Brownback. His opponent is a high-profile political thing in Kansas, Kris …

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Day 20,047

Well… any post that ends with a 47 ought to be weird. I may not be up to the task… Or… Heh heh heh But seriously… I hope all is well in your world tonight. Had an old high school (middle school?) friend drop me tonight. I posted earlier today about the issues that Trump …

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