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Author's posts

Day 20,076

Hello, gang! It’s Tuesday night here in Noria… that is correct. I jumped into a mapping program, and I found out that the name of this area of Douglas County is listed as “Noria” on some maps. I kind of like that name, primarily due to the rhyme with Moria from “The Lord of the …

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Day 20,075

Good evening, kids! It’s the old man, coming to you live once again from rural Douglas County, for whatever that’s worth. Today is Labor Day, a day off for many Americans, where we recognize the American worker, and their contributions to the society we enjoy today. Or, if you’re Trump, you get on social media …

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Day 20,074

Hey kids, it’s the old man again, Grampa Bob coming to you live from rural Douglas County on the Sunday night that is September 2, 2018. It’s gotta be a little weird for you, the reader. My intended audience is you, the grandchild, maybe great-grandchild that I know, or, sad for me, didn’t get a …

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Day 20,073

Hi, kids! It’s the old guy. Yeah, it’s Saturday night in rural Douglas County. I just watched the University of Kansas lose to a D-!! school from Louisana. Kansas Football sucks. It really does. At this point in time, I figure KU will not win a single game this football season, and we’ll have a …

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Day 20,072

Hey kids! It’s the old guy here again in rural Douglas County, just doing my thing. A recap of the day as I see it. Apparently, last night at a rally – keep in mind at political rallies, you can screen the attendees – no opposition representation – Trump claimed to have stories that would make …

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Day 20,071

Good evening, my future grandchildren! It’s a Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and fat old Grampa Bob is watching the last pre-season football game for the Kansas City Chiefs, and the second-stringers looked pretty good tonight. I know it doesn’t count, but it could’ve been worse. By the way, football is a game that …

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Day 20,070

Hello, and good evening to you! It’s a beautiful overcast evening in rural Douglas county, and I’m pondering the universe while watching a NOVA special on the art of Japanese paper folding, origami. It’s a little bit crazy what people can do with a folded piece of paper. This is an amazing topic. I can …

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Day 20,069

Hey, kids, the old man hasn’t kicked yet, so it looks like another missive from the family place here in rural Douglas County. Dogs are being unmanageable tonight. Lots and lot of barking. Earlier, the interaction between the three dogs was a little more than I could deal with, so I went to the office. …

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Day 20,068

It’s a beautiful Monday night rural Douglas County, with three planets visible in the night sky. The main thing, however, is the extended 29th birthday of my beloved, she who must be obeyed, my love, my wife, Lisa. You might know her as Gramma. We had a crazy day as a family. I tried to …

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Day 20,067

It’s almost quarter after nine on a Sunday night here in rural Douglas County. I’m pretty sore from moving things around in the barn and getting some mowing done. I’ve got some more work to do out in the barn before the electrician comes tomorrow. I need to sketch out where I want the outlets …

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