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Dec 24
Christmas Eve in rural Douglas County, and I am currently wearing the most ridiculous pajamas I have ever worn. I look like a very comfortable version of Santa. We’re all wearing them, courtesy of my beloved. And we’re watching a terribly cliche Christmas movie. Seriously, the kids are guessing the next line in the movie …
Dec 23
It’s a Sunday night in rural Douglas County, and the Chiefs are playing like ass. Last night I wrote my blog while the Jayhawks were playing the Sun Devils, and that certainly didn’t work out the way I thought it would. The Jayhawks led most of the game, but gave up the lead with just …
Dec 22
Hey gang! It’s old grampa Bob here, writing a couple hundre words on a Saturday night, with Christmas in just a few more days. I’ve got some wrapping to do. We’re watching the Kansas-Arizona State game. It had a later start as they’re playing in Arizona tonight. KU has looked good at times, not so …
Dec 21
It’s a Friday night here in rural Douglas County, with the winter solstice, a full moon, and a meteor shower all hitting around the same time. I might even put on a jacket and go outside to see if I can spot any shooting stars, as the Earth passes through the seasonal debris field and …
Dec 20
It’s Thursday evening in rural Douglas county, and it’s been a fairly busy day, leading up to the Christmas break. Dane has been busy with finals, Gracie is still working on some of her studio projects, Bonnie has been asked to come into work at Bayer, and Lisa and I are just sort of dong …
Dec 19
It’s about ten minutes or so until one of my favorite shows, “Forged in Fire”. Gotta love those bladesmiths going at it to build a blade for whatever strange competition that judges put in front of them tonight. I do respect the competitors, though. These guys are hammering hot steel into a weapon in a …
Dec 18
It’s a beautiful late fall/early winter evening here in rural Douglas County. Kansas had a basketball game earlier and knocked off South Dakota (first half was sketchy, second half was all Kansas). Today is a day… the political stuff keeps mounting, Trump is under more and more pressure every day. His charity was shut down …
Dec 17
It’s a lovely Monday evening in rural Douglas County. And I’m messing with people on social media. There’s a little twisted pleasure I like to engage in, and a particular forum. I have a tie to my old hometown, and people like to post their opinions on that forum, ranging over a variety of topics, …
Dec 16
Hey gang, it’s the old man, coming to you live around 10:00 PM on a Sunday night, a scant nine days before Christmas. I actually dis some Christmas shopping today. Lisa has been pretty upfront about some of her shopping this season, more than a couple of times letting me know that I got something …
Dec 15
Hello. I hope this particular blog entry finds you well. Which is kind of a ridiculous, all things considered. Does this blog entry hold a superior position when it comes to wishing you well, or finding you in a particularly optimal position in your life? Reality? I write this intended for my future grandchildren, maybe …