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Author's posts

Day 20,209

It’s a little bit later on a Sunday night than I like to start writing, but there are two hundred words tat need to be cranked out to fulfill the ol’ pledge, and I’m not going to let a little weariness get in the way. Tomorrow I go back to the classroom to teach an …

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Day 20,208

Good evening one and all! It’s a snowbound Saturday night in rural Douglas County with about four inches of snow on the ground, three logs ablaze in the wood-burning stove, and a happy, fat, old man enjoying a day of sports. Chiefs and Jayhawks both won their respective games today. The Jayhawks had a game …

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Day 20,207

It’s a winter storm warning kind of Friday night in rural Douglas County, and my beloved is sleeping in her recliner, sweatshirt odd pulled down over her eyes. Gracie is sitting on the sofa, Colby asleep in her arms. We’ve had in interesting day, with the flat tires, and the phone calls, and a few …

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Day 20,206

OK, it’s getting late on a Thursday night in January. The trash is out to the corner. We’re kicking back watching a little TV, “The Orville”, a nice little spoof of every Star Trek series ever made, tonight with actors featured on Star Trek Voyager and Star Trek Enterprise. It’s been a long day. Gracie …

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Day 20,205

Hey, it’s a Wednesday in the year 2019, and I’m a little bit hacked off at myself. I had a couple of decent ideas for my blog tonight that sort of popped in the old noggin while I was driving home from work, and lo, and behold, I can’t remember either one right now. Oh… …

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Day 20,204

It’s Tuesday night in rural Douglas County, and the old fat man is watching “Avengers:Infinity War” with my Bonbon. Bon whipped up some of her roasted veggies tonight. Added in a bowl of Lisa’s church beans, and I am the owner of a happy tum-tum. Second day of my class went pretty well, with setting …

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Day 20,2013

Welcome friends and relatives yet to be born! It’s a crisp Monday evening in rural Douglas County, and the College Football Playoff is rocking. Looks like Clemson is going to take home the trophy tonight, up 44-16 at the beginning of the 4th quarter. I just don’t see Alabama scoring four unanswered touchdowns in the …

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Day 20,202

It’s Sunday evening in rural Douglas County. Tomorrow I return to the classroom for the first time in a month or so. Seriously. That’s the thing about my work. We take a serious hiatus over the holidays, and with the company moving from one side of the road to the other side of the road, …

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Day 20,201

So I corrected my day count. I am twenty thousand, two hundred and one days old today. I probably ought to check the day count more regularly. I get distracted a little bit too frequently these days, and I make silly mistakes. So, it’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County. Kansas found a new, …

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Day 20,199

I better go back and double check my day count again. I might be off a day or two. It’s Friday night. Dane and I are watching a little TV, the first episode of “Counterpart”, wondering if this series is going to be worth the time investment. I think that’s something I’m doing more of, …

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