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Day 20,325

OK, here we go. It’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m here contemplating the truth about life, the universe, and everything. Three big questions have been put before me. Is there a God? What happens when we die? Are we alone in the Universe? Three questions that are pretty darned deep, ya …

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Day 20,324

It’s Friday night out in the country, and the only noise is Lucy asking for attention. She doesn’t like competing for attention with Freya… Freya has a tendency to be a little more ‘forward’ in her manipulations. I think that hacks off Lucy from time to time. It’s been a pretty busy day. Several meetings …

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Day 20,323

It’s another overcast evening in rural Douglas County. The sun is setting behind me, and I can still make out the faint lines in the sky delineating the blue sky and the cloud bank passing over my head. Work has been good today. I spent some time reaching out to a couple of people that …

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Day 20,322

It’s Wednesday night in rural Douglas County, and a light rain is falling, but not without a little thunder and lightning to season up the night. Dane had his last high school band concert tonight, and he’s going to go out for a snack or something afterwards with some of his band friends. Lisa and …

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Day 20,321

Yogurt. Just looking for a way to keep things interesting. Maybe that could be a thing, starting off a blog (*sidenote: I originally misspelled ‘starting’ as ‘tarting’, and realized the latter word should be used more often in casual conversation) with an odd word, like ‘yogurt’, ‘redivider’, or ‘magma’. Half the fun would be the …

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Day 20,320

It’s a Monday night in rural Douglas County, the rain is coming down, and the thunder and lightning are giving all with an open window a show to close out the night. I’ve been busy, booking travel, taking paper work. I need to spend some time on my reports tomorrow, as well take some additional …

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Day 20,319

Almost put the wrong day-in-the-life-of date there… I’m not ready to be ten thousand days older. Hell, I’ll be happy if and when I make it that far. This is a makeup entry. I didn’t really feel like writing last night when the time came to kick my blog out. I was tired, and ready …

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Day 20,318

It’s the end of a long and interesting day here in rural Douglas County. Dane and I ran into Kansas City to take care of his phone situation, so he’s the happy owner of a new Samsung Galaxy S10e. He seemed so pleased with it that Lisa decided to get one for herself – she’s …

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Day 20,317

So, I’m sitting here pondering life, the universe, and everything, and I’m snacking on these tasty tangerine snacks, and what do you know… one of my crowns pops off and I’m thinking about getting into the dentist sooner rather than later. That’s ok… we need to talk anyway. Over the last couple of years, I …

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Day 20,316

Alrighty. I skipped a day. Not intentional, but I was concerned about a class I was teaching today, and I just got distracted by the big plate of stuff that was sitting in front of me. Lots of things to deal with, lots of issues that need to be addressed. My back feels so tight, …

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