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Day 20,338

The clouds moved in as the sun set in rural Douglas County, and we’re expecting more rain and maybe a light show as we prepare for bed. I didn’t sleep well last night. I was anxious about today’s class, but I shouldn’t have been. Chris and I had a great class. The delivery was positive …

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Day 20,337

It’s been a mostly sunny day in rural Douglas County, and the clouds rolled in late this afternoon to deposit just a few more drops on us. It’s been a busy day. I was focused on my preparations for my delivery tomorrow. It’s a pretty straight forward Azure Fundamentals class, so I don’t anticipate any …

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Day 20,336

And that’s a wrap! Dane has graduated from high school, and Bonnie is done with her undergraduate work. Lisa has been busting her butt all day getting ready for a little graduation celebration this weekend, and Gracie is contemplating her future and … well, I don’t need to digress on that. I’m tired. I had …

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Day 20,335

Time to write. It’s a Friday night … no wait… it’s a Monday night. My time frame is getting all jacked around already. It’s a Monday night. That I’m fairly sure I can verify. This time zone. I find myself thinking about time zones. I’m thinking about modules. I’m thinking about the next thing on …

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Day 20,334

Yeah, yeah. I didn’t write yesterday. In my own defense, it appears as if there was a DNS issue, and I was unable to connect to my site, so that became a bit of an issue. That, and after the Game of Thrones series finale last night, I probably wasn’t in the best mood because …

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Day 20,333

It’s been a rainy day here in rural Douglas County, but that didn’t put too much of a damper on the days festivities. We got up early and ran people around to their appropriate locations, and settled in early for the KU Engineering School graduation ceremonies at Allen Fieldhouse. We attended the reception at the …

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Day 20,332

Hey. It’s Friday night. Tonight we went through the first of three recognition ceremonies for our eldest, Bonnie Marie, as she graduates with honors from the University of Kansas with her Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering. This fall you will continue her education at the Ohio State University as she pursues a Ph.D. in Material …

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Day 20,331

It’s a beautiful Thursday night in rural Douglas County. Tomorrow night at this time, I’ll be attending a reception in honor of the kids graduating from the University of Kansas’ Engineering School with honors. I’m very proud of my eldest daughter. She’s worked very hard to get herself into this position, and I know she’s …

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Day 20,330

Yeah, I know. I’ve been slacking off a little this week. Between traveling on Mothers Day, and teaching a class in Atlanta, and then flying and driving back home, it’s been a busy time. Now we’re trying to get the house and the yard ready for the coming celebrations with Bonnie and Dane graduating from …

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Day 20,326

Hello, one and all. This is one of those makeup posts that I have to get out from time to time, because last night I was too tired. That in itself is an irony, because I didn’t sleep that well last night in my hotel room. (Normally, I don’t like to give it away that …

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