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Day 20,347

It’s been a good day. It’s a Sunday, and if it was any other workday, I might be a little more self-critical about the volume of work I was able to complete, but, once again… it’s Sunday. I did get a bit productive late this morning and well into the afternoon. I found out that …

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Day 20,347

OK, I hit the sack last night in hopes of getting a good night’s sleep, following a couple of nights of less than restful sleep. Popped a couple of melatonin to help achieve that goal, and left the alarms on my phone and clock turned off. I slept. I slept hard. I slept in. I …

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Day 20,346

For folks from the Midwest, there are some dishes that will always fall under the category of comfort food. Macaroni and cheese. Chili and cinnamon rolls (yes, it’s a thing, and don’t give me no lip about it), and barbeque. Barbeque. BBQ. Barbecue. Q. The glorious, spice-rubbed, smoked meats butchered from the beasts that helped …

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Day 20,345

I hope this missive finds you doing well in this wacky, crazy world where some people get it, some people don’t. Just to start off, let me say that we are all on this journey we call life together. If we stick together, we can make this place a pretty damn cool place to live …

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Day 20,344

It’s cooling off here now, as the sun sets and what little heat that was stored in the ground escapes into the cooling, cloud-covered sky. It’s been a day. I spent some time looking over the devastation that struck my home county and others. Some folks I know lost their house, and others have shot …

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Day 20,343

Sometimes you feel about worthless. Or useless. It’s been an interesting and terrible day. First of all, we were informed of the passing of one of our team members. Young guy, expectant father. Heart attack. Had a great day in training and exam proctoring. Had 14 students decide to stick around to tackle the certification …

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Day 20,342

It’s been a long day for me, and I feel like I could fall asleep hard right now, but I need to stay at it for at least another hour. I’ve got an important day tomorrow, and I’d rather stay up a little longer and finish burning this candle, than try to sleep now and …

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Day 20,341

OK, it’s time to get some words on the page. It’s a Sunday night in rural Douglas County, and there have been more than a couple of things distracting the lot of us. No, not the ending of the Indianapolis 500. We’re just taking a look at everybody’s commitments over the next month or so, …

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Day 20,340

It’s been a grand Saturday here in rural Douglas County. Lisa and I got up early and addressed the day’s remaining needs prior to Bonnie’s graduation party. Stuff got done, and we’re all the more chilled out for it. I’m trying to organize a few things prior to the work demands that kick in next …

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Day 20,339

And that’s a day! Wow! A Friday, second to last Friday of the month. Lots of stuff got done today. We have some guests coming over to the house tomorrow, and Lisa and company have the house looking better than it ever has since we moved in. (OK. Reality moment. I just had to go …

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