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Day 20,391

OK, this is kind of a special moment. I typed the headline of the blog post without having to go back and modify the capitalization on the word ‘Day”. It’s been a problem that I need to address, and maybe I’ll learn to take a fifteen minute to half hour break each day to focus …

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Day 20,390

It’s Saturday. I meant to write yesterday, but, truth be known, I lost my motivation as the day progressed. TO that end, I’ve got a little making up to do, and this entry, I promise, will be no fewer than four hundred words. Internet is doing a bit better today. I’ve managed to download some …

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Day 20,388

It’s the fourth of July, and we’re sitting in the living room trying to comfort the dogs while the sound of fireworks penetrates the night, causing our furbabies to whimper and tremble. I’ve been fighting with the internet all day trying to download some files, and it’s been a bit of a struggle. Ooh – …

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Day 20,387

It’s the day before the 4th of July. I’m writing rather late at night, and I’m looking forward to time with family tomorrow. There will be steaks! Spent part of the day fighting my internet issues. I made the decision yesterday to take some additional measures to insure that I have consistent access here at …

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Day 20,386

Yeah, it’s a Tuesday night, and I’m probably not in the best mood. It’s not due to the day. I had a pretty good day. Got up, got some work done, then wet and rented a trailer and took off on a journey with Dane to get a new weightlifting rack and weight set for …

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Day 20,385

It’s a Monday morning, and I’m trying to get the feel of this new keyboard down. It’s not exactly what I had hoped for as far as a click tactile feel, with the Cherry MX Brown switches, but it’s not bad… actually, this might be the best keyboard I’ve had, from a quality perspective, since …

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Day 20,384

It’s been awhile. Today I’m going to get a substantial blog post up – I’m committed to doing that today. It’s early on a Sunday morning, the last day in June of 2019. I spent almost the entire month of June in the UK and Ireland, and I arrived home this past Tuesday, and, to …

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Day 20,382

Yeah… still not feeling it. But, I will say this – tomorrow I’ll write a full blog entry. Every male on this cheap discount viagra earth experiences depleting energy levels with growing age. Although these drugs have other medical uses, it is very difficult to say exactly what the biggest mistake is that guys make …

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Day 20,381

Still on a mental vacation. Peace y’all. It is most certainly important for a potential customer to be aware of the assorted categories that these products fall into and what each is supposed to do. cheapest cialis A disability that surely has instantaneous impact on the human body and mind, clinical viagra levitra depression …

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Day 20,380

Hey. I’m still on a break. Nothing against y’all, I’m just taking care of me. Later. viagra price uk Medical impotence remedies available include psychotherapy, vacuum devices, oral medications, locally injected drugs and surgically implanted devices. There have been a wide collection of medicinal products which lead for relief from such type of health disorders …

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