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Day 20,369

I’m not as good at keeping some things to myself as I probably ought to be, but right now, I’m not worrying about it as much, primarily because I know even though I post my blog entries, and I tweet that I have written another blog entry, I”m pretty realistic about my audience. I don’t …

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Day 20,367

OK, it’s a Wednesday morning, and I’m trying my best to get off to a productive start to the third day of my AZ-103 delivery. Monitoring, Data Protection, and Network Traffic Management. Just got word that eBay is down over half of Europe and the US. That’s going to make some people grumpy, especially those …

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Day 20,366

OK, so here it goes. Tonight is one of those nights that I have fewer than zero f***** to give about any number of things. I’ve been watching the US Women destroy Thailand in the Women’s World Cup, and I had a Patriots fan give me a stern talking to about how classless it was. …

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Day 20,365

It’s a Monday night, and I’m looking over my material for tomorrow’s delivery day. Lots of good material to cover, including storage, networking, and connectivity. I’ve got enough to keep me going for the day. Tomorrow night I’ll go back and do the same, but I might call for an eight o’clock moratorium so I …

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Day 20,355

It’s been a day. Lot’s of thoughts tumbling through my brain like tumbleweeds with gray matter and other forms of cerebral residue. I found myself thinking about books earlier today. I’ve got a few authors I like to follow, and it’s funny, but I have an appreciation for the big data that takes a look …

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Day 20,354

It’s early here, and I remembered that I wrote one entry for yesterday, when I should’ve written two. I’ve been focused on my pending AZ-103 delivery (maybe I should make that “deliveries”?). I need to go through my checklist to make sure I’ve got all of the bells and whistles taken care of. Tomorrow I’ll …

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Day 20,353

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, but it was a pretty busy day. Travel, additional arrangements, all that good stuff… and the discovery that I will never use a particular air carrier again. I spent the last night in a hotel, and we had a fire alarm kick off about fifteen minutes after midnight. That led …

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Day 20,352

The day is winding down for Kai and me, and we’re looking forward to an enjoyable ride back to our little base of operations followed by dinner and a couple of adult beverages. This has been a great experience working with Kai this week, and I know that the next time I have a chance …

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Day 20,351

Another day, another blog entry. I’ve been diving a little deeper into the career path I’ve embraced. It seems like every day, I find out something new about Microsoft Azure. Kai and I are working well together, and crushing this road trip. Today we’re going through things fairly rapidly. The class seems to be eating …

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Day 20,350

It’s a Tuesday afternoon, and I’m done speaking for the day. My training partner is up in front of the room now talking about preview features in Azure, so I figure now is as good a time as any to get my blog entry in for the day. It’s been a good day. We had …

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