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Author's posts

Day 20,356

OK, need to crank out a few extra words this morning, as I punted yesterday’s blog entry. Spent the day in the car (ok, that’s a lie – it was a rental Toyota Tacoma 4×4 pickup) driving from Columbus, Ohio back home to Lawrence, Kansas. Hang on, I think I’m going to get up and …

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Day 20,354

I missed yesterday. I realize that the audience for my blog is a relatively small number, but those that have read what I’ve written know that I’m trying to chronicle some aspects of my old, fat, bald 55-year old life for the grandchildren I may one day have. Another part of my story is that …

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Day 20,352

OK, lots to talk about, but this is one of those “time and lace” moments. I have a number of things on my mind, but tonight jut isn’t the right time to get into it. Let me say this… I try to be honest. I really do. I try to verify stuff before I post …

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Day 20,351

It’s getting late on this Tuesday night in July, the last Tuesday night in July of 2019. Tomorrow we begin another adventure, and that’s just part of our little corner of the world. I skipped my blog post last night. I was on my way back from Washington, DC, and I just didn’t get around …

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Day 20,349

It’s Sunday night. I’ve got a one-day delivery tomorrow, then I”m off for a week. I’ve had a good day, no real problems as I meandered throughout the day. I’m on the look out for some new books, and I had a very reliable friend point me in a new direction. I’m currently reading the …

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Day 20,348

It’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m thinking about today, tomorrow, and the day after that. I’ve had a good day today. Got some things done around the house, and also got quite a bit of mowing done, with both the small and the big riding lawn mower. I also engaged in …

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Day 20,347

Whoah, almost mistyped 20,34666. No worries, I got it corrected, and to be honest, it was nowhere near a “666” kind of day. It’s been a pretty good one. Had a few meetings this morning, and everything along those lines went pretty well. Got my work done, started to shift my focus towards my pending …

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Day 20,348

Hello, hello, hello! It’s a cooler than normal Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m cranking out a couple of hundred words as quickly as possible, so I can go get my act together, then head off to the airport in Kansas City to collect my bride. My dad took a fall today, and …

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Day 20,347

Hello, one and all of you, whether a stranger reading my blog or one of the grandchildren that I hope one day to have. I know, it’s a weird concept, writing a blog for grandkids I don’t have, but I think they’re worth it. So I write. Today I had an Azure Fundamentals delivery in …

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Day 20,346

Yeah, it’s been a trip. Back on the road, teaching in St. Louis, within sight of the Gateway Arch. Yesterday was a pretty busy day, and I was wiped out. I got up at 4:15 in the morning to take Lisa to the airport. After that, I had to get some work done, get packed …

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