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Author's posts

Day 20,382

How do you write a summary of your dad’s life? Ugh. That’s the burden I had to address today. No more procrastination. How do you say something about that guy, and do it succinctly? Without embellishment. No frills. Just the facts, with maybe a story or two. Nothing too elaborate. But the stories… there are …

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Day 20,381

I’m kind of stuck. It’s Thursday, and my dad’s celebration of life ceremony is on Saturday. I’m going to be speaking. My dad was an honest, moral man that cared about people. I think back to the moments growing up when he went out of his way to help people, whether it was painting some …

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Day 20,379

OK, time for me to break down a number. One of the things that I do in my blog is chronicle the number of days I’ve been alive . To be frank, I’ve been wrong at times, and I’ve gone back and recalculated the number of days. Hey, I miss a blog entry every now …

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Day 20,378

Still living in the haze of my changed reality. Tried to get some things done for work today, but the other demands kicked in, distracting me away from one set of obligations to another set of obligations. Part of me wants to park the whole process and admit that I’m not good at dealing with …

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Day 20,377

It’s Sunday night, and I’m still in a bit of a haze with recent events. Today we celebrated my mom’s 77th birthday, the first birthday 58 years that she hasn’t celebrate with my dad in her life. We’re all pretty focused on mom right now, because we’re all affected by the passing of my father, …

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Day 20,376

It’s Saturday night, a day after after the passing of my dad. I’ve been chilling at the house most of the day, dealing with the reality of recent events. Part of me wants to deal with this whole thing, another part of me wants to watch the opening weekend of college football and just remain …

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Day 20,375

Oh, man. This is one of the most difficult entries I’ve ever had to write. Yesterday, I was dealing with a somewhat-less-than-optimal work week. I had to step back and focus on learning what I didn’t know. I had to accept some of my inadequacies. Then, while I was chatting with my manager, I got …

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Day 20,374

It’s the last day of deliveries here in the Fargo training center for Microsoft. I get to listen to real experts show their stuff, and I’m going my best to absorb every bit of info that is being tastefully presented to me. Sometimes you think you know what your doing, then the real experts get …

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Day 20,373

I’m sitting in a classroom, helping out where I can when I can, but for the most part, I’m practicing the long-respected art of sitting down, shutting up, and listening to another instructor, and he’s taking me to school. One of the personality flaws of people that work in IT is over-confidence, and I am …

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Day 20,372

I always wondered what the view of the bus was like at this angle. I’m being a little hard on myself right now and I realize that I just need to focus on the opportunity for learning and growth that comes with a situation, and separate out the professional stuff from the personal stuff. For …

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