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Author's posts

Day 20,479

Okay. I got home about one o’clock in the morning, and hit the sack pretty quick after getting home. I slept OK, and Lisa let me sleep in a little bit this morning. We talked about the things we wanted to get done today, and I spread out the pool cover to take a look …

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Day 20,478

I’m writing this entry as I am flying from Newport News, Virginia to Charlotte, North Carolina. It’s a relatively short flight, 41 minutes, so I need to get this done and posted before I have to shut down my internet access. I had a good week. It was a long week, with deliveries in the …

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Day 20,477

Hey, everybody. I realize that some of y’all are friends, maybe even a couple of family member, and who knows, maybe even a complete stranger or two. If you like what I write, or disagree, it’s OK to leave a comment. I don’t get a lot of comments. I’m not in this to make money …

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Day 20,476

OK, tonight I need to write a more comprehensive post, to cover a little bit of genealogy for my future grandchildren. I am Bob (Robert) Reinsch. I was born on Sptember 16, 1963. My parents are Don and Carol Reinsch. This blog entry pertains to my dad’s side of the family, namely that of my …

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Day 20,473

I shouldn’t be writing this. I really should be out on the lawn mower trying to take the grass down a few inches before I head back out on the road, but the precipitation is winning, and it’s too wet to mow. I did run into toen to get some gas for the mower. I …

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Day 20,470

It’s a Thursday morning, and I am at a work event, located in a beautiful resort in Washington state, about an hour and a half outside of Seattle. This event has been a wonderful experience, quite possibly due to the comradery in the after hours events than the daily content. I’ve had much needed follow-up …

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Day 20,468

Hey, gang! Hello to my future grandchildren and any other gentle readers that dare to trip the light fantastic that is my daily blog entry. First of all, let me take a moment and emphasize the need for one and all to blog. Your children, your grandchildren, and their great, great grandchildren are going to …

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Day 20,467

It’s bright and early Monday morning, and it was even earlier and a lot less bright when I got up this morning to drag my fat ass to the airport to get checked in by 5:30 for a 6:30 flight. Right now, I’m at 37,000 feet over some of the most beautiful, snow-covered landscape in …

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Day 20,466

Ok, here we go. It’s Saturday night, the last Saturday night of September in the year 2019. I was traveling yesterday, but I did eventually get home… around three o’clock in the morning. Man, that was a rough trip home. Lisa and I had a good day, going out to lunch and then trying to …

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Day 20,465

It’s weird, but I have to confess… (I wonder how many times I’ve stared off one of my blog entries with just that statement. I know, more random thought stream absurdity!) … that I am excited about the possibilities presented by embracing yet another internet service provider out to the house. Maybe the fifth time …

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