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Day 20,493

Hey everybody! It’s old fat Grampa Bob coming to you live on a Saturday night, October 26, 2019… sometime before the coming fall of civilization. I hope that turns out to be a joke. I have about two hundred words to crank out, so this is going to follow my typical format of going off …

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Day 20,492

It’s a Friday night i rural Douglas County, and I’m thinking about dancing. Yeah, weird, I know. But seriously, I’m watching “Raising Dion” on Netflix, and the side arc about Dion’s mom being a dancer reminds me of some of the people I was friends with back when I was at Wichita State. Some of …

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Day 20,491

It’s a Thursday night in rural Douglas County. The trash can has been taken down to the road, and the take-out barbecue leftovers have been put in the fridge. Kansas played Fort Hays State tonight in an exhibition game, and came out with a 30 point win, as predicted by yours truly (I have witnesses). …

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Day 20,490

OK, I missed a day yesterday, so you know what that means – some ridiculous stream of thought blog entry that covers way too much territory in four hundred words, and when you luck at the blog entry as a whole, it is somehow less than the sum of its parts. I had a pretty …

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Day 20,488

You know how have those nights where ripping off two hundred words is the easiest thing in the world? Tonight is not one of those nights. The funny thing now is that I get to thinking about the day, the good things and the bad things that kept me grinding through the day. I could …

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Day 20,487

OK, it hasn’t been the best week for me from a journaling perspective. I haven’t been as diligent as I ought to be with keeping my blog up to date. I have found out I have some really great friends that read the stuff I lay down. Let me preface any further statement by encouraging …

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Day 20,485

Good evening. TIme for me to crank out a missive before I have to leave the airport lounge and head back to my reality in Kansas City and Lawrence, Kansas. It’s been a very busy week with deliveries in Austin, Houston, and Chicago. I am effectively wiped out, with the only things propping me up …

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Day 20,483

Not writing tonight. It’s not you, it’s me. While Tongkat Ali is now recognized as a world class drug to cure view my pharmacy shop now viagra online pharmacy the symptoms of ED. All the works, viagra generic efficiency, power, dose and capacity of curing a disease are almost the same of the brand medicine. …

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Principles. Values. Morality. Integrity. I haven’t always had the coziest of relationships with these adjectives. I’m a sinner. I’m an idealist. I talk about a number of dreams I have, but I recognize that I’m not the best person to lead the pursuit of the ideals that I hold. It’s just part of my reality. …

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Day 20,481

Yeah, I missed another day yesterday. Sorry kids. It wasn’t my intent. Yesterday was a travel day for me, and I just let things get away from me a bit. Today I am in Austin, Texas, the capitol of this great state. Great class, great students, wonderful discussion, and afterwards, some of the most aggressive …

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