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Nov 07
It’s Thursday, and things are winding down for me here in Montgomery, Alabama. Ken has taken the bull by the horns, and he’s taking us home. I’ll head to the airport after lunch and get squared away for my flight home. I’m looking forward to getting home. I pulled the trigger on a new phone. …
Nov 06
It’s a Wednesday morning, and I get to watch one of my favorite teammates discuss storage and recover solutions in Azure. Ken does a great job with this particular topic, and I’m fortunate that I get to witness his delivery. He’s a solid spokesperson for the product, and his years as a PFE (professional field …
Nov 05
It’s a Tuesday, and I am in Montgomery, Alabama, writing and digesting the salad I had for lunch. My teaching partner has one more module to go through, and then it will be open lab for the balance of the day. At the end of this workday, I will be scoping out locations to enjoy …
Nov 03
Numbers. Yesterday I hit the halfway point between 20,000 days on this plane, and 21,000. The average person is supposed to get to 30,000. A lot of folks don’t. Make every day count. This is a travel day for me, part of my regular “commute to work”. Today’s destination is Montgomery, Alabama, a southern landmark …
Nov 02
OK, so here’s the truth. Last night I was traveling to get home to good old Lawrence, Kansas, and fought my way through Uber rides and slightly delayed flights to Kansas City, and I realized I had yet to write my daily blog. Ok, truth be known. When I am on the rod, I am …
Oct 31
Hey folks. I went and took a look at my word count for the month, and I was pleased to see that my word count for the month of October met and exceeded expectations. The count is growing, and sometimes I actually post something worth reading. I’m in the middle of a travel week, and …
Oct 30
Getting to be about the right time for me to check my day count. I’ve been thrown off before, I will no likely be off again at some point. Funny how you can look at the same numbers day after day, the number of days you’ve had in your life, and still find inconsistencies. Some …
Oct 29
It’s a Tuesday night in the Twin Cities, and I am going to keep this short and sweet, and not worry too much about the volume of words I’m committing to paper. I had a delivery today as part of the Azure Training Days program, and I had a full house. Literally. There was not …
Oct 28
It’s a little after 9:30 on a Monday night, this last Monday night in the month of October. I have had a full day of Azure Fundamentals training, along with a moderately satisfying proctored testing session to get another group of IT professionals certified on Azure. My life is curious. I’m traveling, living a life …
Oct 27
It’s 9:42 on a Sunday night at the Courtyard by Marriott closest to the airport in Minneapolis-St. Paul. I’m in my hotel room, partially satisfied by the late Grubhub delivery of cold Chinese food. The Chiefs and the Packers have put on a good show so far, but the Chiefs put the ball on the …