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Nov 17
It’s a brisk Sunday evening on the east coast, and I am sitting in my hotel room writing a blog entry while I watch the HBO series “The Watchmen”. I’ve got a delivery tomorrow with some fine folks here in the outskirts of Boston, and I’ve got a couple of small tasks to take care …
Nov 16
It gets to a point where I type the “Day” followed by the number in the title, and I think I ought to go and double check just to see how far off I am in the actual number I ought to be putting in that slot. It’s a Saturday night. Lisa and I went …
Nov 15
Good evening, one and all. It’s a Friday night here in rural Douglas County, and I’m pondering a lot of different things. Always lots of things on my mind right before I head back out. Thankfully, this will be a one week outing, then a break home with family for Thanksgiving. It is the 15th …
Nov 14
It’s Thursday night in rural Douglas County. Lisa is a bit under it, and she has spent part of the evening napping in her recliner, and I am still studying prepping for my next certification exam. I love what I do. It’s a tremendous honor to be a certified trainer for a good company with …
Nov 13
It’s a Wednesday night, a brisk full-moon night – ok, the full moon may have been last night, but it’s a big bright one that likes to look in my bedroom about 3:00 in the morning… so I notice it. Lisa is zonked out in the recliner next to mine. We’ve been watching some news …
Nov 12
Today has been an interesting day, this 12th day of November, in the Year of Our Lord 2019. Lisa and I played a minor prank on the boy (very minor, and we brought him food, so it was ok). I spent a lot of time studying for a certification exam I need to take, and …
Nov 11
It’s Monday night, Veteran’s Day, and I will pause for a moment to show respect for the men, women, dogs, horses, and carrier pigeons that made sacrifices for the freedom I enjoy today. Any number of family members have served, including both my brothers, three of my uncles, and many, many other members of my …
Nov 10
OK, it’s a Sunday night in the humble abode here in Noria, Kansas. (I still think it’s kind of cool that I live in a place that rhymes with the legendary land of Middle Earth… I know, I get caught up in the silliest things). The Chiefs lost today. Poor clock management, poor defense, lots …
Nov 09
Nothing against you, gentle reader, but tonight is not a good night for me to focus on writing. I’ll make it up, whether tomorrow or the next day, but tonight is just not there. Lisa is already asleep in her recliner, both Lucy and Freya at her feet…. closer to “just off her lap”, bit …
Nov 08
OK, everybody keep it down. Lisa has fallen asleep the chair next to me, with Freya asleep as well cloe to her lap. She’ll wake in a moment or two ans ask me i she fell asleep. I’ll say, “Yeah, for a moment or two”… when it’s really been a half hour. I’m about ready …