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Day 20,526

OK, I welcome you and hope all is well in your world. I’m not going to dwell on anything negative that is happening in my life this day. (I need to think about starting off every day with that phrase… that in itself might be life-changing. Might also be good to soften up on my …

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Day 20,525

It’s a Wednesday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m counting my monthly words. I figure right now I need to write eight hundred words between now and Saturday, so that means two hundred and sixty seven words today, and then two more entries over the next three days to get me to my pledge …

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Day 20,523

Yeah, it’s late. It’s a Monday night, and I’m in a good mood, as Kansas worked their way into the next round of the Maui Invitational, which means they have a game tomorrow night. On that note, let it be known to all readers far and wide that I’m good. I could fill up a …

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Day 20,522

Today I closed out the day with good news and a reacquaintment with an old friend. Lisa and I got up this morning to a sunny and brisk Sunday morning, with black coffee (Tanzanian Peaberry, medium roast) and omelets (the ream cheese made the meal). After the breaking of the fast and another cup of …

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Day 20,521

OK, a short post tonight before I head off to bed. It’s been a good day. Started off with me getting into bed at 1:00 in the morning, going back to the airport late in the morning to pick up the Bonnie monster. Tonight is just one of those nights. It also contains muscles that …

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Day 20,520

It’s a Friday afternoon, and we’re doing a few labs here in Cambridge. I’ve got a while before I have to worry about a couple of business related activities, a check-in with my manager, and a flight back home to enjoy a Thanksgiving holiday break with family. I’ve enjoyed my time here. Granted, I’ve spent …

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Day 20,519

It’s Thursday night in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and this old man is looking forward to one more good day in the company of the fine folks here attending my class. (OK, so I found out some of the folks in class have actually read my blog… and that’s kind of cool.) Had some things get a …

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Day 20,518

OK, it’s Wednesday night, and I’m one day closer to going home. Nothing against the beauty and history of Cambridge, Massachusetts, but I’m ready for another week at home. I spoke with my wife and oldest daughter today. Bonnie is ready to come home as well, if only for Thanksgiving. She’ll get a little break …

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Day 20,517

It’s a Tuesday night, a late night, and to be honest, a bit of a rough day. Had a kid involved in a minor moving vehicle scrape, and then a minor revelation on top of it. I’m a little under it on this matter. As a parent, you want to do everything in your power …

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Day 20,516

It’s a Monday night in Cambridge, Mass, and I’m tired. The Chiefs are holding their own against the Los Angeles Chargers (it’s still weird as hell saying that) and the defense has actually shown up and represented than the vaunted Chiefs offense has most of the night. The thing that has reared it’s ugly head …

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