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Dec 09
I am in a pretty good mood, and it’s just because I have a good life, a good wife, some great kids, and a couple of nice dogs. I also like good news. Things are going well with some things right in front of me and some other things off in the periphery are doing …
Dec 08
It’s been an interesting day, with some good stuff going on and some other stuff that just got my dander up. On the good news side of things, I found I out I reached a couple of new reward levels with a couple of vendors. That translates to better experiences for me in the short …
Dec 07
It’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and I am enjoying a little down time. Lisa and I have had a wonderful day with some time to ourselves, some interaction with the genetic inheritors, and some pretty good interaction with the furbabies. Lisa and I were talking earlier about the problems with business travel …
Dec 06
It’s Friday night, and I am on my way home. By the time any of my friends read this, I will be safely in my own bed and snuggled up with my beloved. I’ve got a lot on my mind right now, with family dynamics, work-related responsibilities, and just some of that nagging stuff that …
Dec 05
It’s a little weird for me, some days, when I pause to reflect on the last year. Yeah, I know most folks don’t get in to the minutae of my life, hell, my kids probably don’t dig in to my posts the way that some of my professional compadres do, but this last twelve months …
Dec 03
It’s late on a Tuesday night, and I am bone weary. I knew I was going to be tired, and I anticipated being tired, and maybe my weariness is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I’m going to check and set my alarms, and get to bed here in a few. I listened to some of the national …
Dec 02
It’s a Monday night, and it is the first Monday night in December. The beginning of the last month of 2019. It’s kind of crazy to think about the huge life-changing events that have hit my family in me full-frontal since January of this year. Bonnie gradated college and proceeded to start grad school at …
Dec 01
There’s a part of me that really wants to start off my blog with this… “It’s 9 o’clock on a Saturday… the regular crowd shuffles in. There’s on old man sitting next to me, making love to his tonic and gin”. But that wouldn’t be right – it’s a Sunday night, and I’ve never been …
Nov 30
OK, it’s Saturday night here in rural Douglas County. Bonnie has been returned to Columbus, Ohio. Lisa is off to bed. Dane has crashed in the basement. And I am practicing poor punctuation, but at this point, I don’t really care. It’s the last day of November. Tomorrow, we begin the last month of this …
Nov 29
It’s Friday night… (It is Friday, isn’t it? I swear, sometimes during the holidays when you’re working and then off, then working then off… it can get confusing!). It’s been a good Black Friday. There were at least two online specials that I took advantage of. One was a 2 TB hard drive, and another, …