February 2020 archive

Day 20,606

If my may math is right (and it is frequently wrong), this is my 20,606 day of existence outside my mother’s womb. I am 56 years old, and am currently an employee of a great company, the husband of the most wonderful wife a guy could ever hope for, and the father of three kids …

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Day 20,604

Every now and then you have to give yourself a bit of a check up from the neck up. Where is your mind? How are you doing with your empathy? What personal factors affect your decision making processes? I am guilty of some negative thoughts in my life. I’m a bit older and a number …

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Day 20,603

Just another Monday in the books. Tried to just be a happy guy today, enjoying the afterglow of yesterdays sportsball event (“Yay, sports! Move the thing to the other thing!”). Spent most of the day focused on work, took a little time this evening to watch the Kansas Jayhawks take on Texas at Allen Fieldhouse. …

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Day 20,602

It’s Sunday night. Today was Superbowl Sunday. For those of you that never heard of that, there’s a sport in Ameriaa called “Football”, which you do not play with you feet much, but tonight was the championship. My Chiefs were in the championship. And that means tonight, I am currently removing the expression “Long-suffering Chiefs …

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Day 20,601

starting to think that I need to back away from certain social media platforms, or, at a minimum, be much more selective about the topics I choose to post on. Things are getting real dicey, and that is exactly what Putin wants. He wants division, he wants dissention, he wants Americans fighting with Americans. He …

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