January 2020 archive

Day 20,581

One thing you may have noticed about me is that I am a sports fan. I love my college basketball, and college football at times, and perhaps my favorite team for as long as I can remember has been the Kansas City Chiefs. This is January of 2020. The Chiefs won their division, and came …

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Day 20,579

One of those nights that leave me wondering if there’s something going on with my head. Or maybe I’m just getting older, and I need to kick a few more old penguins off the iceberg so I’ve got room for some new penguins. Yesterday I went to update my blog and I saw an error …

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Day 20,577

Here’s a little tag-along, coattail thought on a post I had the other day. I’ve been thinking about what I posted the other day and how people reacted to it. Maybe I dwell on these things a little bit, and that’s ok. That’s what being empathic is all about. It is important to understand how …

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Day 20,576

It’s Tuesday night. I’ve completed my first delivery of 2020, and getting ready for my next one. I hope everyone out there travels safely. Things in the middle east have become more tense. Trump is an idiot and has no business leading out country in to a new was, this time with Iran, but he’s …

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Day 20,565

“People post some pretty ignorant shit on social media” Simple expression. Pretty easy to prove. And it’s an expression that can stir up some strong emotions apparently. An old friend (well, that person may not be calling me that after today) reposted a political meme that had zero facts in it other than possible spelling …

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Day 20,564

It’s been a Saturday. Started off the day with a piece of sad news regarding my friend Carole in Wichita. She was a coworker when I first started in technical training, and she’s the one the originally started calling me the Bobster – and it stuck. Today she passed along that her husband had passed, …

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Day 20,563

It’s Friday night. I didn’t write yesterday, as we were kicking back and enjoying some family time. Today I have been a bit under the weather, with some nasty chest congestion and a serious headache. Here in another half an hour we’ll head off to go pick up Dane at the train station in Kansas …

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Day 20,561

It’s a new day, a new year in rural Douglas County. I’m going to uphold my pledge and crank out a blog entry, then go back to watching football. I’ve been taking a break from my keto life, eating some of the delectables that somehow find their way onto snack trays here at the house. …

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