It’s late on a Tuesday night, and I am bone weary. I knew I was going to be tired, and I anticipated being tired, and maybe my weariness is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I’m going to check and set my alarms, and get to bed here in a few. I listened to some of the national …
December 2019 archive
Dec 02
Day 20,530
It’s a Monday night, and it is the first Monday night in December. The beginning of the last month of 2019. It’s kind of crazy to think about the huge life-changing events that have hit my family in me full-frontal since January of this year. Bonnie gradated college and proceeded to start grad school at …
Dec 01
Day 20,529
There’s a part of me that really wants to start off my blog with this… “It’s 9 o’clock on a Saturday… the regular crowd shuffles in. There’s on old man sitting next to me, making love to his tonic and gin”. But that wouldn’t be right – it’s a Sunday night, and I’ve never been …