OK, it’s Sunday night in rural Douglas County, and it’s been snowing all day, and it’s expected to continue through tomorrow at 6:00 PM. I’m not much up for writing tonight, so I’m going to do a cut and paste blog entry of some of my favorite words, for one reason or another. coalesce – …
December 2019 archive
Dec 13
Day 20,541
It’s Friday the 13th. Some people believe this is kind of a big deal , the thirteenth day of some random month, and that one should expect. I’m not expecting anything substantial. It’s a curious time. Looks like Trump will be facing impeachment, and it also looks like the Senate has already determined the outcome …
Dec 12
Day 20,540
I’m calling it a day, and I’m ready to be someplace other than where I’m at. By the time anybody reads this, I’ll be safely settled in my own bed, and that’s good enough. I paid a little, very little, attention to the happenings in the capitol today, and it’s really crazy where we’re at. …
Dec 11
Day 20,539
OK, to be completely honest, I’m not too focused on writing tonight. It’s my last night here, great folks, great class, but it is the holiday season, and I want to spend as many nights in my residence as possible. I love my gig. I get to chat with them on a regular basis, and …
Dec 10
Day 20,538
I wrote 200 words today, and it was mostly in a facebook rant on how Trump broke the law. Here’s my post. I was asked why I supported the impeachment proceedings, and I stated that we have a choice – follow the Constitution or not. And then I was challenged about what I meant by …
Dec 09
Day 20,537
I am in a pretty good mood, and it’s just because I have a good life, a good wife, some great kids, and a couple of nice dogs. I also like good news. Things are going well with some things right in front of me and some other things off in the periphery are doing …
Dec 08
Day 20,536
It’s been an interesting day, with some good stuff going on and some other stuff that just got my dander up. On the good news side of things, I found I out I reached a couple of new reward levels with a couple of vendors. That translates to better experiences for me in the short …
Dec 07
Day 20,535
It’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and I am enjoying a little down time. Lisa and I have had a wonderful day with some time to ourselves, some interaction with the genetic inheritors, and some pretty good interaction with the furbabies. Lisa and I were talking earlier about the problems with business travel …
Dec 06
Day 20,534
It’s Friday night, and I am on my way home. By the time any of my friends read this, I will be safely in my own bed and snuggled up with my beloved. I’ve got a lot on my mind right now, with family dynamics, work-related responsibilities, and just some of that nagging stuff that …
Dec 05
Day 20,533
It’s a little weird for me, some days, when I pause to reflect on the last year. Yeah, I know most folks don’t get in to the minutae of my life, hell, my kids probably don’t dig in to my posts the way that some of my professional compadres do, but this last twelve months …