November 2019 archive

Day 20,507

Nothing against you, gentle reader, but tonight is not a good night for me to focus on writing. I’ll make it up, whether tomorrow or the next day, but tonight is just not there. Lisa is already asleep in her recliner, both Lucy and Freya at her feet…. closer to “just off her lap”, bit …

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Day 20,506

OK, everybody keep it down. Lisa has fallen asleep the chair next to me, with Freya asleep as well cloe to her lap. She’ll wake in a moment or two ans ask me i she fell asleep. I’ll say, “Yeah, for a moment or two”… when it’s really been a half hour. I’m about ready …

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Day 20,505

It’s Thursday, and things are winding down for me here in Montgomery, Alabama. Ken has taken the bull by the horns, and he’s taking us home. I’ll head to the airport after lunch and get squared away for my flight home. I’m looking forward to getting home. I pulled the trigger on a new phone. …

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Day 20,504

It’s a Wednesday morning, and I get to watch one of my favorite teammates discuss storage and recover solutions in Azure. Ken does a great job with this particular topic, and I’m fortunate that I get to witness his delivery. He’s a solid spokesperson for the product, and his years as a PFE (professional field …

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Day 20,503

It’s a Tuesday, and I am in Montgomery, Alabama, writing and digesting the salad I had for lunch. My teaching partner has one more module to go through, and then it will be open lab for the balance of the day. At the end of this workday, I will be scoping out locations to enjoy …

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Day 20,501

Numbers. Yesterday I hit the halfway point between 20,000 days on this plane, and 21,000. The average person is supposed to get to 30,000. A lot of folks don’t. Make every day count. This is a travel day for me, part of my regular “commute to work”. Today’s destination is Montgomery, Alabama, a southern landmark …

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Day 20,500

OK, so here’s the truth. Last night I was traveling to get home to good old Lawrence, Kansas, and fought my way through Uber rides and slightly delayed flights to Kansas City, and I realized I had yet to write my daily blog. Ok, truth be known. When I am on the rod, I am …

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