OK, it’s been a few days, and I have been remiss in my obligations. I’ve got reasons, not excuses, so we’ll just accept that I was busy for the most part… ok, truth out, part of it was motivation as well. Monday I wrote a very brief note, but Tuesday and Wednesday were teaching days …
August 2019 archive
Aug 05
Day 20,357
It’s Monday night, and I am getting my ducks all lined up for tomorrow’s delivery. Not much of an exciting day to be honest with you. Airport drive, airplane time, and a dozen oysters in there at one point. So, I’m going to call this an early night. I’ll get a little more than fifty …
Aug 04
Day 20,356
OK, need to crank out a few extra words this morning, as I punted yesterday’s blog entry. Spent the day in the car (ok, that’s a lie – it was a rental Toyota Tacoma 4×4 pickup) driving from Columbus, Ohio back home to Lawrence, Kansas. Hang on, I think I’m going to get up and …
Aug 02
Day 20,354
I missed yesterday. I realize that the audience for my blog is a relatively small number, but those that have read what I’ve written know that I’m trying to chronicle some aspects of my old, fat, bald 55-year old life for the grandchildren I may one day have. Another part of my story is that …