I always wondered what the view of the bus was like at this angle. I’m being a little hard on myself right now and I realize that I just need to focus on the opportunity for learning and growth that comes with a situation, and separate out the professional stuff from the personal stuff. For …
August 2019 archive
Aug 19
Day 20,371
Yeah, I know, I skipped another day. But I have a reason, not an excuse. Yesterday was not an optimal day for travel. I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but Friday and Saturday nights, Lisa and I were awoken with the site of spectacular lightning shows. It was a little nuts, and I think …
Aug 17
Day 20,369
A Saturday night, and not looking forward to the 6:00 am wakeup call to head to the airport tomorrow. Oh, sorry. Hi. I’m old fat grampa Bob somewhere in the middle of America, namely Lawrence, Kansas, just outside the city limits in rural Douglas County. Lisa and I are chilling out, watching the thirty-year-old Batman …
Aug 16
Day 20,368
I need to spend some more time at home in the near future. Hi, one and all, the old fat future grandfather of somebody is sitting here in his recliner, lamenting my lack of discipline yesterday and my failure to crank out my 200 word blog post. Of course, that means tonight I am going …
Aug 14
Day 20,366
It’s Wednesday night, I’m in Dallas, and I have gone through three days of an interesting class. Technical training can be an odd career track at times. You have to learn the technology. You have to be able to relate the core concepts to a very wide range of backgrounds, because you might find folks …
Aug 13
Day 20,365
One year after my 20K day. Not feeling like writing tonight, though. It’s not you. It’s me. Such sessions help men find out why they find it hard to get bought that buy pfizer viagra an erection including excessive porn use, fear/guilt or shame surrounding sex or loss of attraction to a partner following pregnancy …
Aug 12
Day 20,364
Good evening, fellow human beings in 2019 and points beyond. OK, not really feeling it tonight, but that’s less an issue with inspiration and more an issue of earlier perspiration. I had a long day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, so I’ve kept my nose to the grindstone tonight. I ate a decent dinner, a …
Aug 11
Day 20,363
It’s a Sunday night, and I’m in a hotel (as if that’s much of a surprise). I spent a little time since I got home last Thursday stirring stuff up on the internet. I have an aptitude for being a bit disruptive. A lot of it had to do with the two big argument launch …
Aug 10
Day 20,362
We’re sitting here in the living room, watching “Little Shop of Horrors”, and Dane is having a good time. I don’t know if Lisa has ever seen it before tonight, but we’re having a pretty good family night. It’s been a rather interesting day. So, from a historical perspective, it’s been an a pretty serious …
Aug 09
Day 20,361
It’s Friday night… to be frank, I had to stop and think about that for a moment. It’s Friday. I have another day at home, then head out to again at the end of the weekend for a delivery in Dallas, Texas. I got home late last night, between 11:30 and midnight. I have felt …