July 2019 archive

Day 20,388

It’s the fourth of July, and we’re sitting in the living room trying to comfort the dogs while the sound of fireworks penetrates the night, causing our furbabies to whimper and tremble. I’ve been fighting with the internet all day trying to download some files, and it’s been a bit of a struggle. Ooh – …

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Day 20,387

It’s the day before the 4th of July. I’m writing rather late at night, and I’m looking forward to time with family tomorrow. There will be steaks! Spent part of the day fighting my internet issues. I made the decision yesterday to take some additional measures to insure that I have consistent access here at …

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Day 20,386

Yeah, it’s a Tuesday night, and I’m probably not in the best mood. It’s not due to the day. I had a pretty good day. Got up, got some work done, then wet and rented a trailer and took off on a journey with Dane to get a new weightlifting rack and weight set for …

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Day 20,385

It’s a Monday morning, and I’m trying to get the feel of this new keyboard down. It’s not exactly what I had hoped for as far as a click tactile feel, with the Cherry MX Brown switches, but it’s not bad… actually, this might be the best keyboard I’ve had, from a quality perspective, since …

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