Hi gang! It’s after 11 o’clock on a Thursday night, and I’m in Las Vegas. Just had an outstanding meal at Catch in the Aria. I highly recommend it, especially for those that are trying to cut their carbs. It was fantastic. I know I’m a bit behind. I figure after yesterday, I owe roughly …
July 2019 archive
Jul 16
Day 20,399
Another night on the road, another salad for dinner. I shouldn’t make it sound like I’m complaining. Part of the reality that I live with is that I know I need to lose weight. I’ve had some success so far with the keto method (ketogenics – focusing on getting into ketosis so I burn away …
Jul 14
Day 20,397
Good morning… I meant to post yesterday, but I focused on family, packing, and travel instead, is today will end up being a 400 word post, just not quite yet. I have some more “getting around” to get around to and I also need to wrangle a cup of coffee. Researchers cialis de prescription have …
Jul 12
Day 20,396
It’s been a pretty good day, although I must admit, the interface on my laptop is causing me all kinds of right now. All it takes sometimes is the wrong on-screen menu open at the wrong time, and there goes your blog entry. I had a pretty productive day. I’ve still have a lot more …
Jul 11
Day 20,395
Good evening, one and all. Fat, old Grampa Bob is settling in for a 200 hundred word post, which I have pledged to do. Got some good work in today, preparing for deliveries next week. I probably ought to make some more comprehensive notes about what is going to happen when and where, but I’ll …
Jul 10
Day 20,394
It’s Wednesday night. It’s been a working day here in rural Douglas County, with just enough weather to keep things interesting. We were in a severe thunderstorm warning earlier in the day. Took a little footage on my cell phone of the wind starting to blow the trees around, and the gray, looming clouds rolling …
Jul 09
Day 20,393
Good morning! OK, so last night I was settling in to write, and just didn’t have it in me. It was getting a little late (when did that ever stop me?), and Lisa was ready for bed, so I gave in to the weariness of my body and hit the sack around 10:45. I did …
Jul 08
Day 20,392
Look for a 400 word pot tomorrow.Therefore, there is very little scope for any kind of mishap or wrong treatment rendered to the look at this store sildenafil 50mg patients. But, again, men may be taking a product that they believe will ultimately lead to them being happy. viagra buy in usa You can buy …
Jul 07
Day 20,391
OK, this is kind of a special moment. I typed the headline of the blog post without having to go back and modify the capitalization on the word ‘Day”. It’s been a problem that I need to address, and maybe I’ll learn to take a fifteen minute to half hour break each day to focus …
Jul 06
Day 20,390
It’s Saturday. I meant to write yesterday, but, truth be known, I lost my motivation as the day progressed. TO that end, I’ve got a little making up to do, and this entry, I promise, will be no fewer than four hundred words. Internet is doing a bit better today. I’ve managed to download some …