April 2019 archive

Day 20,304

Hey, gang, it’s me, the old fat grampa you know and love. Well, a guy can hope anyway. It’s Friday night. Gracie has had her knee surgery. Bonnie had her honors banquet. I’m now sitting here enjoying about three finger of a Glenlivet that’s old enough to vote, and just trying to crank out my …

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Day 20,303

I have so much to be thankful for, so I’m going to digress on that little subject tonight. Yeah, I know, I’ve done it before, but some things you can never really stop being thankful for… we’re on the gratitude train, and it’s on the express track all the way to happy town. God, that …

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Day 20,302

OK, normally I start off with something like, “It was a quiet Wednesday night in rural Douglas County” or “The weather went through all four season in rural Douglas County”. Tonight, I can’t say that. I’m not in Douglas County. Oh, I’ll be back soon enough. Reality, at least my reality, requires a little bit …

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Day 20,301

Tuesday night in rural Douglas County, and I am grateful for the safe return of my wife from her trip back east. Won’t be long til I’m the one packed up and heading out the door for another trip. Gladly, I’ve already made arrangements to have dinner with some of my internal friends (ok, that …

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Day 20,300

I hope I got that date right… anyway! It’s the fifteenth day of April, a day that will live in infamy. Hey, in the US, most April 15ths are lived in infamy. I’m jut chillingout here at the house, wondering if I can crank out a complete 200 word blog entry in under seven minutes, …

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Day 20,299

Good morning! I made the decision to get this letter to you guys done and out of the way early, because Bubba is going to have a pretty full day, between watching the final round of the Masters and the season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones. I’ll likely be spending some substantial time on …

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Day 20,298

It’s a very quiet Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and I have the company of dogs. Colby got into something nasty on his morning sojourn, so I gave him a bath late this afternoon, after the mud dried into a steady, fecid funk that caused my nose hair to curl. Yeesh! Lucy and Freya …

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Day 20,297

Hello, my future grandchildren. Today is the second Friday in the month of April. I have been remiss in my blog posts the last couple of days, and, although I owe no one an apology, I think a little explanation is in order. I was travelling on business. Tuesday I hopped on a plane to …

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Day 20,294

It’s a Tuesday night, the end of a beautiful day. Lisa and the kids are all in their respective abodes, and the Lucy and Freya are looking for a little more tummy scratches. Today I read something that bothered me. Apparently, for a number of years, American tax payers have been able to file their …

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Day 20,293

It has been a beautiful day here in rural Douglas County. Great to have a couple nice days in a row with some sunshine to help dry up the excess water that persists and persists after such a long, wet winter. Had a couple of good moments with my manager. She likes that I’m taking …

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