April 2019 archive

Day 20,314

OK, time to crank this sucker out. It’s been a good day for the Bobster. We finished up our two day class, told a bunch of people about our product, and then sent them back into the wilderness with a map and a couple of spears. We’re good. But seriously, it was a good day. …

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Day 20,313

Hi gang. I’m a little late, forgot to write my blog last night. I was getting caught up (and “caught up”) with the final season of “Game of Thrones”, and I must confess, I was very happy with the what I watched in that particular episode. It’s a great series, and you should check the …

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Day 20,312

Oh, boy! It’s been a long day in rural Douglas County, and I’m going to be sleeping well tonight. OK, an little extra Hibiki on the rocks might help out with that particular plan. Everything’s cool, though. Got the last of my problems resolved with a work situation, and for that I am grateful. It’s …

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Day 20,311

Oh, man! It’s Friday night in rural Douglas County, and the dogs are barkin’. Colby is being Colby, and the girls, Lucy and Freya, are having no part of his nonsense. Nope. Ain’t happening. They had enough before he showed up. So it can get a little loud here at the house. I have to …

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Day 20,310

It’s a quiet Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and my red shirt is covered in dog fur, thank you Colby. I really don’t feel like writing tonight. It’s not that it hasn’t been an interesting day, it has been, but I don’t know that I want my personal blog entry to be a recap …

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Day 20,309

Hey, gang… future grandchildren, and other interested parties. It’s a Wednesday night in rural Douglas County, and Lisa and I are starting to think about calling it a night. It’s been a long day. Dane left his headlights on, so he needed a ride into school this morning, and Lisa was kind enough to oblige. …

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Day 20,308

It’s a Tuesday night in rural Douglas County, and a light rain is falling, just enough to say that tomorrow night might nit be a great night to mow. Colby is being a bit loudish, trying to get a rise out of Lucy and Freya, but that is the nature of dogs. I’m sitting here …

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Day 20,307

It’s Monday night, after a warm and blustery day in rural Douglas County. I’ve been getting stuff done in preparation for some pending classes. I sat in on a couple of meetings, pondered the nature of reality, and turned in a couple of expense reports. Looks like our team is going to be very busy …

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Day 20,306

It’s right at ten o’clock on a Sunday night, Easter night, in rural Douglas County. We’re coordinating our week, with the constant barrage of meetings, lunches, and conference calls that both Lisa and I have to deal with this week, and still figure out which one of us is driving Gracie to her classes or …

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Day 20,305

I typed that day counter, and found myself wondering whether that number is correct. I’ll look it up… later. Tomorrow is Easter. All of the kids are home. Bonnie is downstairs, as is Dane, and Gracie is now making the sunroom hers as she recovers from her reconstructive knee surgery. I’ve been there. I don’t …

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