March 2019 archive

Day 20,265

It’s a Monday night on what felt like the first day of spring here in rural Douglas County. The mud pile at the end of the driveway tried to capture a few more unwilling victims, but front-wheel and all-wheel drive prevailed. My neighbor called in a guy to take a look at our road situation. …

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Day 20,264

It’s been a Sunday. The temperatures have risen a bit, just enough to turn our modest country road into a quagmire. That reminds me. I need to see what it would take to get this little road on county maintenance. One of the neighbors has a Pontiac Firebird stuck on the road, high centered and …

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Day 20,263

It’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County. The girls (Lucy and Freya) are back in the bedroom, while Colby hangs out with Dane, Bonnie, and me, as we chill out and watch “Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse” on Amazon Prime. KU won their final home game today over Baylor, but it was a little too …

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Day 20,262

Its been a long day, and I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep tonight. Had several conference calls today, and lots of stuff going into my brain. I don’t know that I’m going to get to two hundred words today, to be honest. I say that regularly, but by the time I spew out …

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Day 20,261

I really hope I got the date right. There’s a possibility I got the total number of days that I have lived wrong. So sue me. No, wait, don’t. I would prefer not to be sued. I spent a considerable chunk of my Thursday listening to a meeting. I would emphasize that I listened… did …

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Day 20,260

It’s Wednesday night in rural Douglas County. The temperatures around here have barely reached into the thirties, but it looks like tomorrow will see forty degree weather for a few days, maybe more. I spent the day tending to regular, mundane work stuff, reading, preparing, reading some more, sitting in on a conference call, then …

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Day 20,259

Hey gang, old fat Grampa Bob sharing with you the issues of the day here in Lawrence, Kansas on this fifth day of March, 2019. KU is about to tip off against Oklahoma. KU is still in the running for the Big 12 Conference championship, but to be honest, I think that ship has sailed. …

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Day 20,258

It’s a rather cold Monday night in rural Douglas County. My beloved has to be about to pass out with the hours she’s put in the last couple of days. I know she was seemingly up half the night last night, and then gt up at four o’clock in the morning to finish up her …

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Day 20,257

Might be about time for me to put the leftover pizza away. Lisa is working on some NIH reviews that she has to get done in the next ten hours. We all overlook a deadline from time to time, and she has had so much going on, it’s little wonder she has to work on …

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Day 20,251

OK, I didn’t get my entry written yesterday during the day, but if there was ever a time for me to throw out my self-imposed “12-hour” rule, this is it. Microsoft is a big company. Microsoft does a lot of great things. Taking in all that Microsoft has to offer is like drinking from a …

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