February 2019 archive

Day 20,239

It’s a Wednesday night, and we’re back from Dane’s band concert, relaxing in the living room watching my favorite bladesmithing competition, “Forged in Fire” on the History Channel. They’re making some wild-looking ridged Indian blade with a ridge on either side of the blade. It’s been busy for me around the house, lots of reading …

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Day 20,238

It’s a pretty balmy, near-50-degree day in rural Douglas County, and I’m think we might celebrate Taco Tuesday in the traditional fashion. Spent the majority of the day with my nose focused on the computer screen. Items to read, exercises to go through, fields to fill out. Fairly typical for an IT guy, I guess. …

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Day 20,237

It’s a brisk Monday night in rural Douglas County, and the rain has been coming down most of the day, which leads to frozen sidewalks and streets overnight. We all need to be very careful traveling tomorrow, and double check every step. Some folks are going to slip and get hurt, and all I can …

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Day 20,236

It’s another cold winter night in rural Douglas County, and I find myself struggling with a little writer’s block. It’s nothing to serious. It happens to everybody. We experience life, we think about this, that, and the other thing, and often ponder to ourselves, “Hey! That would be a great topic for my next blog …

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Day 20,235

Hey gang! It’s another Saturday night out in the county, and I’m waiting on Lisa and Dane to return from their sojourn into Gracie’s apartment, and then I’ll take a look at movies that we can enjoy together. I had hoped to get together with my cousin Julie today, but things just didn’t get aligned …

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Day 20,234

It’s a very cold night in rural Douglas County, and Lucy is perched on my leg, growling at Lisa, because Freya is sitting in Lisa’s lap, and Lucy wants that spot instead. Dog jealousy. Dane had a snow day today, so he and I went to Sushi Ko for lunch, getting a Heartattack appetizer, and …

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Day 20,233

It’s a very cold Thursday evening in rural Douglas County, and I’m kicking back with my beloved, and watching a little TV. Did the Star Trek thing a little bit ago, and now falling back on one of her standards, “Law and Order:SVU”. I finished up my class a full day early. It helps when …

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Day 20,232

It’s a cold, freezing rain kind of day here in Kansas City, Missouri. I have a student performing labs remotely from Phoenix, Arizona, and she’s trying to avoid the cold weather there, with temperatures in the 50’s. I’m worried about driving home on a sheet of ice an inch thick. I understand, though. Our opinions …

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Day 20,231

It’s a Tuesday night here in rural Douglas County, and Kansas is about to go on the road to take on the Wildcats of Kansas State University in Manhattan. The way KU plays on the road, it’s as reasonable expectation that K-State should win at home. It’s also reasonable that whoever wins February, wins the …

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Day 20,230

Not all days are made the same, and that might be about as obvious a piece of faux wisdom I’ve ever placed on a page. I returned to the classroom today after a prep week, and did my due diligence in preparation of the day. It’s going to be a great week, this I know, …

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