January 2019 archive

Day 20,226

It’s been an interesting day here in rural Douglas County. Appointments have been made, pickups have been arranged, and engine lights have come on. Ugh on that last one. Every time an engine light pops on, my checking account pulls a hammy. I’m watching a little tv with Lisa, a bit of a sci-fi spoof …

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Day 20,225

It’s a cold, windy night in rural Douglas County, maybe the coldest night of the winter this year. Temperatures have been in the negatives today, and all across North America, people have been struggling to keep warm. In North Dakota, there were temperatures of -57 degrees Fahrenheit. There have been many deaths due to exposure …

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Day 20,224 part 2

OK, went back through the old “How many days since I was born?” site, and it once again looks like I screwed up my dates and times. I should check this more frequently. KU lost tonight to Texas. So, that kind of put a damper in the evening. Tomorrow the temps are going to low, …

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Day 20,224

It’s a windy, cold night in rural Douglas County. I have to admit, that for me, it was a pretty productive day. Lots of new material coming down the pipe from the mothership, and I’m swallowing it whole without taking time to chew. Tomorrow, more of the same, reading, labs, whatever it takes to continue …

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Day 20,223

It’s Sunday night here in rural Douglas County, a part of the county that shows up on maps as “Noria”. Lisa and I are watching a Natalie Portman movie that came out right around Memorial Day last summer. I know now why this movie didn’t do so well at the box office. The books might …

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Day 20,222

OK, it’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and the old, fat guy in’t as hacked off as he probably ought to be, but that’s going to happen when you lose to Kentucky on the road halfway through the conferences season. Tomorrow is a bookish kind of day for me. Lots of reading ahead. …

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Day 20,221

Friday night in rural Douglas County, and I’ve had a pretty good day. Finished up a 2 day Azure Fundamentals course (ok, some weirdness… I’ve taught a five day Azure course probably a dozen times, and yet tis was a first time teach on Azure fundamentals). Lisa and I, ok, mostly me… Lisa has been …

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Day 20,220

I’m sitting here enjoying an episode of “The Orville”, and I have to admit that Seth Macfarlane is pulling off a Gene Roddenberry kick with his little morality plays, and it has a definite Macfarlane twist. He’s tackled the oddball stuff that are absolutely part of our modern society, and I applaud him for it. …

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Day 20,219

It’s Wednesday night in the rural Douglas County, and I’m looking over some content. I wrapped up an Office 365 class today, and tomorrow I jump right into an Azure Fundamentals class with a bunch of folks on-premises. It’s an interesting situation, as we have enough students that it requires that we actually have two …

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Day 20,218

Right now I have a small dog by my ankles hoping I put my laptop down soon so I can pay more attention to her. I love our little Yorkie-mix dogs. Lucy is about 11 pounds, and little Freya, the cutest small dog in the world, is kicking the scales at about 5 and a …

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