Well, I’m trying to avoid a chronological disaster tonight. Apparently, last night I forgot to increment, so there are two Day 20,173s and no 20,174. I’ll leave it alone and just accept that I screwed up. We’re kind of having a family night at home. “Doctor Strange” is on the television, and Lisa had a …
December 2018 archive
Dec 10
Day 20,173
Another day, another blog entry. Hi guys. I forgot to post my daily “gratitude” post on Facebook, and my beloved wife noticed. I had written a gratitude post, but I guess I forgot to hit the post option. Got into a little debate on social media today, and I brought both barrels. Eventually one of …
Dec 09
Day 20,173
Good day, good afternoon, good evening! I guess it doesn’t really matter what time of day I’m writing this particular blog entry, what matters more is that you are reading it, and this particular old man that shows up in your family tree is just dropping a line or two. I’m happy we can share …
Dec 08
Day 20,172
OK, time to whip out a couple hundred words and then take care of at least responsibility that I’ve been dodging most of the afternoon – I have clean clothes to get put away. I’ll admit, I was fairly productive. Got three or four loads of laundry done earlier in the day, and separated all …
Dec 07
Day 20,171
Whoa, almost typed that title wrong and made myself a hundred days older. It’s Friday night! And we’re about as exciting around here as any other pair of fifty-five year olds as you’re likely to see in rural Douglas County. We’re not very exciting. Lisa is playing a game on her phone, ostracized from her …
Dec 06
Day 20,170
Hey gang! It’s the old man again, on a bright, lightly-clouded night on this, the 6th evening in December, in the year 2018. Made a pulled-pork dish tonight in the Instant Pot. I don’t know what the status is of Canadian pressure-cookers in your day and age, but in this day and age, they rock. …
Dec 05
Day 20,169
Sorry! I was formulating my initial sentence, then a thought popped into my head, and I didn’t start typing until several moments after I intended to. I hope I didn’t inconvenience you. Time. Relativistic time. I pause, I think, I record, but the time that I take to compose this sentence is lost other than …
Dec 04
Day 20,168
Hey gang! It’s the old man here, coming to you live and coherent on a Tuesday night in early December, 21 days before Christmas. That reminds me. I should do some Christmas shopping. I’ll have some time. My class for next week just cancelled. Tomorrow I’ve got a webinar, kind if the last thing a …
Dec 03
Day 20,167
Hey gang, it’s been a Monday around here… at least my casserole turned out. Seriously, I’ve got a 45-60 minute webinar on Wednesday, and I’ve been putting a day into it. I’ll feel a lot better about it after I get the whole thing over with. My enthusiasm for writing tonight isn’t at a peak. …
Dec 02
Day 20,166
It’s a cool, crisp Sunday evening in rural Douglas County. My lovely bride has been doing Christmas stuff with the daughters all afternoon, while I braved the downstairs living room to watch the Chiefs-Raiders game while Dane worked on setting up his new computer in the background. My lap served as a perch for several …