Well, my life it a little better today. Lisa arrived back home late last night (thank you, Gracie!). I’m not sure which house beasts were happier with her arrival, me, or the dogs. To be clear, Lucy and Freya about lost their minds when Lisa got home. It’s always harder to sleep when Lisa is …
November 2018 archive
Nov 09
Day 20,141
Hey gang, how ya doin’? Today is my twenty thousand and one hundred forty first day on this mortal plane, and it’s been pretty good. First of all, I avoided calling people on social media “idiots”, even though more than a couple probably had it coming. I got some laundry done, including doing the bedding. …
Nov 08
Day 20,140
First snowfall of the the season here in rural Douglas County, and likely melt-off in the morning. I better remind Dane to take it easy on the way in to school tomorrow. The roads are going to be slick. Lisa is on the road today and tomorrow. Gracie was kind enough to give Lisa a …
Nov 07
Day 20,139
OK, gang, it’s the old fat grampa coming live to you on this seventh day of November, 2018. What does the old man have to share with his future grandchildren today? Eh… It’s been a weird day. Got some stuff done, listened to the news following yesterday’s elections, made dinner. Trump got pressed by a …
Nov 06
Day 20,138
OK, gang! It’s Tuesday night in rural Douglas County. KU Jayhawks opened up the season with a win over #10 Michigan State, winning by four, but the game never really seemed that close, with Kansas leading by as many as seventeen. In other news, we’re keeping a close eye on the elections, where there has …
Nov 05
Day 20,137
OK, it’s a Monday night, time for the old man to get his blog written, and it looks like my hosting service has upgraded my normal WordPress editor to a different editor called ‘Gutenberg’. I don’t have enough info yet to render an opinion, so I’ll just keep writing and thinking about how I feel …
Nov 04
Day 20,136
It’s been a Sunday… that last fun day before everything starts back over on Monday again. Hi kids. To be frank, it’s been a fairly productive day around here. Got up, got after it. Went to early Mass. After that, Dane and I went to the store to pick up a few things for lunch, tacos and …
Nov 03
Day 20,135
It’s Saturday night in rural Douglas County, a gentle rain falling from the clouds that block a star-filled sky. I’m still thinking about who I am and how I can be a better person, i.e. less argumentative, less of a know-it-all jerk that creates more conflict than he resolves. Lisa has been sleeping in the …
Nov 02
Day 20,134
There are some things about myself that I don’t like. I have this weird tendency to start typing a word at the beginning of a sentence and capitalize the first two letters, rather than just the first letter. It irritates me that I have to go back and make that correction. I also am not …
Nov 01
Day 20,133
Good evening to you, my future progeny! It’s a beautiful, crisp evening in rural Douglas County. Got a few things done today. Took care of voting in the mid-term elections today. The line wasn’t too bad. After that, I went over to my favorite automotive repair location for some scheduled maintenance, an oil change, and …