October 2018 archive

Day 20, 132

Hey gang! I hope is blog entry finds you healthy, wealthy, and wise… but hey, two out of three ain’t bad. I’m sitting here on a Halloween night, not a single trick-or-treater coming to our door… that’s a first, but it’s to be expected considering our proximity to civilization and decent internet access. I’m not going …

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Day 20,131

Good evening, one and all! Once again, for anybody careless enough to stumble across my blog, you are welcome to read what I have written. My intended audience is the grandchildren I hope to have one day, just doing a recap of my (our?) life here in the year 2018. It’s October, the eve of …

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Day 20,130

Hey gang! Another beautiful day out here in the country. Spent the day teaching Office 365 for some very nice people, and had some guests in class for a while as well. All in all, I’d say I had a pretty good day on that front. After work, I returned home to discovery Colby had gone …

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Day 20,129

It’s a beautiful Sunday night here in rural Douglas County. I think we’ve still got a couple of windows open, a light breeze blowing through the kitchen and living room. Life in the fall. Tomorrow, I start a three-day class Chiefs finished out their divisional sweep of the Broncos. That makes it seven in a …

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Day 20,128

Saturday night in rural Douglas County, a crisp breeze blowing in from the north, gently. Hi gang. TIme for a little recap of my week. It’s been interesting. Oldest daughter went over to Ohio State on a grad school exploratory trip, youngest daughter making plans to move into her first real apartment, and the boy …

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Day 20,127

It’s Friday night, a crisp, waning moon just phasing away from full, and a few wispy clouds to grace the night skyI’ here in rural Douglas County. I’m just kind of kicking it tonight. Had a little whiskey on the rocks a bit earlier, Nekka, a Japanese single malt. Well… I think it’s a single-malt, …

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Day 20,126

The 25th of October in rural Douglas County. KU started their exhibition basketball season and soundly tromped all over Emporia State. That game over, I’ve flipped over to watch an NFL game, Miami versus Houston. I’ve been thinking about how words matter today. I’ve been reflecting on some of the mean and nasty things I’ve said …

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Day 20,125

Hey gang! I know you guys don’t exist yet, but I’m trying to share a little about my life here in 2018. Sometimes, things just get weird. And stuff got a little weird tonight. I was kind of joking around with an old high school classmate, another classmate was mentioned, and I replied. OK, the …

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Day 20,124

It’s a beautiful clear night sky in rural Douglas County, and I’m pretty clear tonight, as well. OK, so being a technical trainer doesn’t make me a hero. I dispense information, and I show people how to implement the available technology into their environment. I’m happy if I know that I’ve helped somebody solve a …

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Day 20,123

Monday night in rural Douglas County. Just stuck my nose outside, and it’s a crisp fall night, with clear skies and a magnificent view of the constellation Orion. Taught the first day of a two-day custom class. I’d like to say that the first day went off without a hitch, but that wouldn’t be the …

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