September 2018 archive

Day 20,091

Hey, welcome back to my little corner of the literary world. It’s my blog. I’m Bob. I’m 55 years old, and often grumpy. Call it a gift. Tonight my mind is listing heavily to the east, as I prepare and pack for my annual sojourn to the Microsoft Ignite (formerly TechEd0 conference in Orlando, Florida. …

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Day 20,090

I’m tired, and punking out. Here’s a sonnet by an ancestor of mine, Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey. The soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings, With green hath clad the hill and eke the vale; The nightingale with feathers new she sings; The turtle to her make hath told her tale. Summer is come, for every spray now springs, The …

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Day 20,089

Tuesday night in rural Douglas County, and it has been a long day. My class is going ok, three students, one in the room and two remotes. One of the other instructors and I went out for dinner with another trainer in town from Chicago. We went over to Smokehouse Barbeque up by the airport, …

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Day 20,088

Greetings, one and all! The old guy is writing, and hopefully, it will get read by someone. Someday. Somewhere. It’s Monday. I taught the first day of my Exchange 2016 course. Tomorrow I’ll tare of day two, then head up north to have dinner with Dan Rey, who is currently one of the regional leads …

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Day 20,087

Hey gang, old fat, and now with “REPREHENSIBLE” character traits… it’s me, the now 55-year old guy that you might one day wonder about. I’m a happy man tonight. I’m 55. There were times over the last 40 years that I wondered if I would make it. When I was 19 and found out I had …

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Day 20,086

Hello, and good evening my future grandchildren. I pray you are well. It’s a Saturday night here in rural Douglas County. I’m watching the Ohio State/Texas Christian matchup while I ponder the fact that I’m 54, and tomorrow I turn 55. I’ve had a good day. I got up with my wife, enjoyed a solid …

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Day 20,085

Hey gang, it’s the old man again, enjoying a Friday night at home with my bride of 22 years. We’ve been watching the weather reports out of the Carolinas, as Hurricane Florence starts to grind and drop foot after foot of rain on the folks along the Atlantic seaboard there, as well as catching some …

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Day 20,084

Hello, one and all. It’s the old man again, on this, the 13th day of September 2018. Right now there’s a hurricane bearing down on the Carolina coast… Hurricane Florence. She’s going to do millions of dollars worth of damage, maybe more. I’m going to focus on sending some positive thoughts that way. I figure it …

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Day 20,083

Hey gang, it’s the old man, once again posting to you on this, the 12th day of September, in the year of 2018, right here from rural Douglas County. Class is going well for me. Can’t complain. We got through three modules today, and I’m likely to get through three of four tomorrow. Had a …

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Day 20, 082

Hey gang, the old man is trying something a little bit different tonight. I am a big music fan, and I’m going to let the music take over a bit tonight. One of my favorite rocking blues songs is Gary Moore’s “Still Got the Blues”. Great riffs, great feel to the whole song. I listened …

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