It’s late Tuesday afternoon. I’m wrapping up the last lab of the day, two more modules to cover tomorrow, then I get a little breather. I still have work to do during my prep weeks, but I don’t have to tackle the daily commute to Leawood from Lawrence, so that part of it makes my life …
August 2018 archive
Aug 20
Day 20,061
I’m here at the office in Leawood, getting my blog entry in before I call it a work day. After this, I have to run back over the car dealership to get a couple of pieces of paperwork signed for Gracie’s new GMC Terrain, which she has named “Pooky”. I have four students in my class, …
Aug 19
Day 20,060
9:33 on a Sunday night in rural Douglas County. It’s rained most of the day, and we are grateful for it. It’s kind of nice when I can look out to the pond and see that it’s up a foot to eighteen inches in the last few days with the much-needed precipitation. It’s been a …
Aug 18
Day 20,059
Good evening my future descendants! It’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and there is much to celebrate! Gracie got a new car! The single best thing about this event is that I don’t have to worry about getting Gracie a car again! Or something like that. Gracie didn’t have what I would call reliable transportation. …
Aug 17
Day 20,058
OK, it’s Friday night in rural Douglas County, and the Chiefs have won their second preseason game 28-14, so I’m not in a bad mood at all. It’s kind of nice to know that regular season NFL and College Football are just around the corner. Had to get the Flex into the garage today. The …
Aug 16
Day 20,057
Hello, greetings, good day to my future grandchildren. Fat old Grampa Bob coming back to you this fine Thursday night in rural Douglas County. It’s been an odd day, but a day with some historical significance. Aretha Franklin has passed. She was an incredible voice the Queen of Soul. One of the trivial aspects of …
Aug 15
Day 20,056
It’s Wednesday night in rural Douglas County, and I am thankful for the safe return of my wife and daughter from Wichita. Granted, these days, everybody is thankful for their family member’s safe return from Wichita. We moved away in 2001 and I’m glad we never looked back. There was some pretty nasty stuff happening …
Aug 14
Day 20,055
It’s Tuesday night in rural Douglas County. My beloved is getting me a bowl of ice cream, my favorite, chocolate chip. I do have a weakness for dessert, especially ice cream. On the 20th of August, we’re tackling a new weight loss program… (ok, for a moment there I mistyped the word “pogrom”… look that …
Aug 13
Day 20,054
Eight o’clock on a Monday night, and I’m just kind of kicking back writing my blog, wondering if I should go out to the pool. I sometimes like going out to the pool at night, but there won’t be any stars out tonight due to the overcast skies. Eh… Not a whole lot of news …
Aug 12
Day 20,053
O, so tonight Lisa and I are watching a CNN “History of Comedy”, and tonight’s episode is “Gone Too Soon”. It probably didn’t help that I started off the evening watching Robins William’s first appearance on the “Tonight Show” at the beginning of “Mork and Mindy” ‘s fourth season. I was in tears remembering how Robin …