July 2018 archive

Day 20,021

Good evening, my future grandchildren, and anyone else that cares to ponder over my blog entries. I do post my new blog entries to Twitter, and at one point, the Library of Congress was cataloging all of the tweets for future posterity. Hmmm. Maybe these notes of mine will get a little attention one day. …

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Day 20,021

Good evening to all readers, specifically my future grandchildren. Today has been a very interesting day here in July of 2018. First of all, the good news. In Thailand, there are 12 boys and a coach getting ready to watch their first sunrise together in three or four weeks. All of the boys, the Wild …

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Day 20,020

Sorry, I was about to start writing, when an ad on the tv told me I could book a yurt. What the hell is a yurt? I don’t know what a yurt is, and if it is some sort of accommodation, I think I’d prefer a hotel room with indoor plumbing. Room service would be …

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Day 20,019

Hello, my future grandchildren and anybody else that is bored enough to read about the life of an average 54-year-old-man living in the heart of the Midwest. My name is Bob, and I’m a father, a husband, a son, brother, uncle, and a technical trainer for a Microsoft partner in Kansas City. Today we got …

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Day 20,018

OK, here’s the scoop. I need to get my blog cranked out tonight, and I need to do it in a hurry. I am using the “full-bladder” method to ensure that I write my blog, fulfll my pledge, and get my two hundred words in before I allow myself to go pee. That’s right folks… my …

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Day 20,017

Good day to you, whoever happens to be reading my drivel. Old fat Grampa Bob just doing a little bit of a recap on the day. Started off the day getting my oil changed. But, no! The excitement doesn’t end there. Gracie and I were both due for an oil change. She’s not really happy …

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Day 20,016

Tired and grumpy tonight. Taking the easy way out and copying/pasting a piece from a history site. The US Flag Code.    United States Code Title 4 Chapter 1 — The Flag §1. Flag; stripes and stars on All of these downlines intertwine tadalafil india 20mg into a vast network. Kamagra tablets does not protect …

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Day 20,015

Good evening, and Happy Independence Day. Tonight, I’m going to phone it in. It’s the 4th of July, Independence Day, and I’m tired, just got out of the pool. Here’s some info about an ancestor of mine, Benjamin Harrison. Entry Benjamin Harrison V (April 5, 1726 – April 24, 1791), from Charles City County, Virginia, was an American …

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Day 20,014

Hey, gang! Old, fat Grampa Bob sitting in the recliner on a Tuesday night, and my thoughts have turned to dessert. I have a bit of a sweet tooth. And tonight I have choices. Lisa picked up a pie on the way home from work tonight, so I know that is an option. Looked to be …

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Day 20,013

Trying something a little different this morning, writing my blog a little earlier in the day. I figure the earlier I get it done, the sooner it’s done and I can get back to living my life, chilling by the pool, and enjoying a malt beverage… although 9:15 in the morning might be a little early …

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