July 2018 archive

Day 20,031

I like watching nature documentaries. Right now I’m watching BBC America, and there’s a series called Planet Earth. This episode is focused on life in the islands of the South Pacific. I got into nature documentaries as a kid, one trait I have my father to thank for. We used to sit around as a family …

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Day 20,030

It’s a Friday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m contemplating a fun-filled Saturday sitting on a riding lawn mower for a few hours. I have other stuff to get done as well, but that is one of the higher priorities. Clothes, the barn, the office… lots of things. Tonight, though, not so many worries. …

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Day 20,029

Hello, my family! Some of you that are reading this might be direct descendants of yours truly, others of you reading this might be additional members of the family tree as it progresses into the future. You should all know that I love you, I am grateful for you, and I hope you make great …

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Day 20,028

Twenty-eight days past my 20,000th day, and here I sit, at the office, just wrapping up the teaching day of m Office 365 class. It’s been a pretty uneventful day for me. Got up, made coffee, updated my profile pic on Facebook and made my first post of the day about something I’m grateful for …

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Day 20,027

Hey kids! I hope this little note finds you healthy and well. It’s Tuesday night in my little corner of the world. My Office 365 class seems to be going well, and the family is happy and healthy. But my world may not be mirroring the world of Trump politics. Sounds like the fecal residue is hitting …

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Day 20,026

Hello, future grandchildren of mine. Old fat grampa Bob her slapping some words onto a page before I head home. Today might turn out to be an interesting day. To be honest, it’s already been interesting. I started a new five-day class and have had to deal with more than a couple of oddball issues …

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Day 20,2025

Good evening, future grandkids of mine, and anybody else bored enough to broach my blog. My name is Bob. Someday I’ll probably have grandkids. I write this blog for them, but you all are more than welcome to read my entries and comment. Today was interesting. We had a bit of a media blackout from …

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Day 20,024

OK, I’m back, but I’m going to be straight with y’all, I’m pretty much phoning this one in. My enthusiasm fir writing (really, my enthusiasm for much of anything) seems to be at a bit of a nadir at the moment. No real reason, just not feeling all that motivated at the moment. I’ll rebound, …

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Day 20.023

Friday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m thinking I probably should’ve written my blog a little earlier in the day. No real reason, really. It just feels like I had a few more thoughts and perceptions of value earlier when there was some more stuff going on. OK, a recap. Trump did not fail …

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Day 20,022

Good morning, my future grandchildren! I hope this missive finds you well. I decided to get an early start on my entry today. My class is likely to finish ahead of schedule, and by getting my writing done early, I’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the day and relax after I get my work …

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