June 2018 archive

Day 20,001

Hey kids, old fat Grampa Bob here, recapping the day that was… and this day was pretty cool as Dane has turned 17 years old. Which means seventeen years ago that boy was delivered via c-section at the hospital in Wichita. They thought he was going to be too big for a natural delivery, but …

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Day 20,000

It’s my day 20K, and right now I’m thoroughly hacked off over my internet situation. Can’t conect, reboot the wi-fi system, flush the DNS cache, still can’t get out to the web. Aaaargh! I should take a little time and ponder the 10k issue. The average person lives 30,000 days. I hit 20,000 today. Two/thirds …

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Day 19,999

I have to confess that this is a little bit weird. I’m on the verge of rolling over to my 20K day. Two thirds of my life done. Maybe more, maybe less. One thing that I am very clearly aware of is that it could all be over tomorrow. Heart attack, stroke, weird amoeba eating …

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Day 19,998

Sunday night, Father’s Day, and this day is winding down quickly. I have had a great day. Sent a big day with the family from breakfast until sunset. Chicken and waffles for breakfast, church beans for lunch, steak for dinner. A good wine to go along with the steak. Life is good. Flipped on the National Dog …

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Day 19,997

OK, so it’s Saturday night, June 16, 2018, and life is kind of quiet right now. I’m sure our lives here are much better than the lives so many others face. We are blessed. Sometimes I wonder about dark things, but I break away quickly. It can’t be healthy to dwell on some things too …

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Day 19,996

Hey gang, it’s a Friday night in rural Douglas County, and the old fat man is contemplating a dip in the pool. I need to get this cranked out. Two hundred words, and then I’ll watch the stars come out, see what phase the moon is in . Had a little fun today. Went into …

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Day 19,995

OK, kids, it’s a Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and my son is relaying a new character backstory to me. This kid really gets into the backstories of the characters he’s creating. I’m a bit jealous. I can’t say I’ve ever put as much thought into the backstory of any character I’ve ever imagined …

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Day 19,994

It’s another beautiful night in rural Douglas County, and I’m starting to wonder where the kids hid my red Bluetooth speaker. I’m going to be hitting the pool here as soon as it gets dark, and the old man does like to listen to a little music while he floats. And waits for Greenpeace to …

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Day 19,993

Hey gang, fat old Grampa Bob here, trying to bring you the truth about the world as I see it today, this day being the 12th day of June, in the Year of Our Lord 2018. Yeah, maybe that was a little too flowery. LOng day today for me, even with only two students. I’m …

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Day 19,992

It’s been a weird day, and I think it’s going t get weirder before it’s all said and done. Monday. I’m at the office, day one of a three-day class in the books. One of my students has already taken the five-day version of this class, so we came to an agreement that she didn’t really …

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