Friday night in rural Douglas County and your old fat Grampa Bob is chilling with his headphones on listening to some classic metal on the Pandora music service. The work week is over, and I am very glad to have that particular class over with. The students were great, but the virtual machines were running …
May 2018 archive
May 10
Day 19,957
It’s a Thursday afternoon, and I’m writing this from Leawood, Kansas, as I close out the work day here at the training center. Meanwhile, back in Douglas County, the girls are wrapping up their finals. Gracie is done, Bonnie has one more tonight, I think, and she’s going to want to borrow my car tomorrow …
May 09
Day 19,956
Hey, gang, it’s a Wednesday, and I’m wrapping up my work day before I head home and try to figure out how to run the pool sweep. I’m really excited about that. Not really. But… Lisa is very excited about the prospect of having the pool ready to use by Memorial Day weekend, so that …
May 08
Day 19,955
Tuesday, and I’m still hanging out in the office, watching remote students generate a lot of red text while running Powershell commands that contain illegal characters. You have to watch out for those copy and paste options because when you paste directly from the curriculum into your PowerShell session, you can throw some oddball characters into …
May 07
Day 19,954
Hello! I hope this Monday has risen up to you and lifted you even higher! That was a little weird. I need to put a little more effort into the openings. I don’t think I’ll be using that particular opening again anytime soon. But, that’s what this is about, exploring the language a bit, and …
May 06
Day 19,954
Sitting at home on a Sunday night, Lisa done with her work, and me thinking about the class I’m teaching tomorrow, the 2nd week of the Exchange 2016 course. It’s been a little while, but for me, teaching Exchange is a little like riding a bike. I have, after all, been teaching Microsoft email packages …
May 05
Day 19,953
It’s a Saturday afternoon here in rural Douglas County, and we’ve got people movin’ around here. Well, everybody except me at the moment. We’ve been scrambling a bit today, settling this minor crisis or that minor crisis. Lisa had received notifications that she had two packages on the porch, deliveries of some goods she had ordered …
May 04
Day 19,952
It’s Friday, May the Fourth in rural Douglas County. I have had a busy day. I started off the day finishing out my Azure class. Today we discussed automation in Azure, covering runbooks, checkpoints, and more sophisticated monitoring of workflows in Microsoft’s cloud environment. Pretty cool stuff. I stuck around a little bit after to …
May 03
Day 19,951
Thursday, just before lunch, and of course I am involved in an online discussion about issues of the day, and I come across some bumpkin that doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “literally”. How do you explain to somebody that they haven’t any sort of grasp of the meaning of a word like “literally”? …
May 02
Day 19,950
Back to writing a little earlier in the day. I have to admit, there is a little bit of piece of mind that comes from getting my post done. It’s not like I put a lot of pressure on myself to get it done, but it is nice that I can go home after work …