October 2017 archive

Day 19,757

Hey kids, how are you doing today? Let me tell you a little bt about my day. Today was Dad’s Day at Bonnie’s Schol (arship) Hall. We got together, grabbed some breakfast, and decided to do our own thing. There were activities planned for the day, but Bon and I decided to do what we …

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Day 19,756

Hey kids, Grampa Bob here, trying to figure out what’s worth chatting about today. Let me think… what about the people in your life? I’m not talking about family. I hope you are blessed with siblings and parents, cousins and others, who provide you with all of the support you need. I’m talking about your …

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Day 19,755

Hey kids! Just getting my note for the night in before it gets too late. To be honest with you all, it’s Thursday night, and the Kansas City Chiefs are playing at the Oakland Raiders, so I’m more than a little bit distracted. Chiefs have a 27-21 lead here in the 3rd quarter, so I’m …

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Day 19,754

Hey, future people! So, another interesting day here in 2017. I hope you guys are taking notes. When I was a kid, we’d always got one assignment having to do with interviewing a grandparent over some sort of historically relevant subject. Maybe one day, you’ll have to do an assignment about this time in history. I’m …

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Day 19,753

I’m sitting here thinking about what kind of topic I’d like to address to you guys, and I start pondering about time and space, and all kinds of other weird stuff. I write these daily, but for all I know you guys are reading through these,  entry after entry after entry, taking everything in all …

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Day 19,752

Hey kids… old fat Grampa Bob trying to be less of a reprehensible human today than what I was yesterday. In your lives, you are going to come across and interact with a lot of people, unless of course, you choose to hide in your basement away from anything remotely involving social interaction. If you …

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Day 19,751

Hey kids. Grampa would really like to be brief tonight, but two hundred words is still two hundred words, so here we go. Last night I wrote about humility and being humble. Today I watched an example of lack of humility. I remember a running back named Barry Sanders. Barry lived by a little mantra …

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Day 19,750

OK, so it’s fat, old Grampa Bob trying to lay down a little bit of something to thnk about. How about we address the idea of humility? A popular song on the radio (yes, we still have radio in 2017) is a song by Tim McGraw called “Humble and Kind”. You should look it up and …

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Day 19,749

Hey kids, it’s Friday night and the end of another work week. Grampa Bob was teaching people how to get some things done in the Microsoft Office 365 environment, and things went pretty well for the most part, with an occasional issue directly related to the “moving target” characteristics of a service that changes at …

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Day 19,748

Hey, future grandkids, what’s shakin’? Sometimes you are going to deal with situations that are really out of your control, for one reason or another, things are not going to go in the direction you would prefer. This week I’m teaching a class that is centered on services being provided by a different organization. An organization …

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